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韓國之旅:第二天(Day Two in Korea)

7.30am 起身
8.30am 係酒店食早餐
9.30am 趣緻熊仔農場
11am 洛山寺 – 海水觀音
1.30pm 午餐(石頭窩飯 & 泡菜)
2.45pm 大關嶺牧羊場 – 餵綿羊 & 自製芝士
5.15pm 酒店 – 鳯凰城/韓華渡假城
6.30pm 晚飯 – 韓式燒烤


7.30am Woke up
8.30am Breakfast in Hotel
9.30am Teddy Bear Farm
11am Temple – Guanyin
1.30pm Lunch (Bibimbup & Kimchi)
2.45pm Sheepwalk – feed sheep and DIY cheese
5.15pm Hotel – Hanwha Resort
6.30pm Dinner – Korea BBQ

Woke up by morning call around 7.30am and then hurry to have breakfast in hotel around 8.30am. Our first stop today is Teddy Bear Farm, Chunchun was so sleepy in the beginning… he didn’t willing to get off tourist bus, but then after a few minutes; he was happily playing in Teddy Bear Farm^^ Stayed around 1hour then we go to our second stop Temple of Guanyin.
Sigh, it’s a pain of neck that walking up to the mountain just to take a photo of Guanyin>_< We all so tried after walking up to the mountain. And then we went to have lunch around 1.30pm, um, we spent 2 hours in Temple of Guanyin but most of the time was hiking=.=
After lunch we went to a Sheepwalk that we sure Chunchun will love it. We first went into a workshop to DIY cheese and then went to grasslands to feed sheep. Chunchun was so exciting keep running around to pull out grass to feed the sheep^^ Arrived Hotel around 5pm something, take around half hour rest and then prepare to go to have dinner – Korea BBQ.


