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小驢的天空(Little Donkey)


Took Chunchun to school with my brother and great Grandma this morning, because my brother has to hurry back to Hong Kong this morning. Great Grandma back home with me and then prepare to back to Hong Kong before 10am with great Grandpa. Hum, poor Chunchun will be boring when he back from school.
Went to have lunch with Macau Mama friends after school^^ Happy day for Chunchun and I, I love to have lunch with my friends, Chunchun have friends to play with and I have friends to gossiping around. Finished lunch around 3pm and then we back home to nap together, because tonight we have to go to watch a puppet musical for the family – Little Donkey. Remember that Gina will watch Little Donkey too, so called her before I went to nap and asked her to have dinner with us before the puppet musical.
Met Gina and Stephenie and May and her daughter around 7pm, we hurry to have dinner in a noodle restaurant and then went to watch Little Donkey around 8pm. We leave Centro Cultural de Macau around 9pm and then went to have dinner again^^
