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新校服(New Uniform)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then let Grandma went to food market alone. Sigh, I used to go to food market every Monday and Friday… but now I didn’t have to go to library with Chunchun, no more school parking… So Grandma have to go to food market for me every Wednesday now=.=
Picked up Chunchun around noontime, and then back home to have lunch together. After lunch, we went to shopping area to shopping around… we first went to a uniform store to buy school uniform for Chunchun^O^ He’s so exciting to having new uniform; remember last week after I told him that he need to buy new uniform for Primary school, he kept telling his kindergarten uniform were too old, have hole… something like that, he just want to wear his new uniform soon.