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新八佰伴(New Yaohan)


Last day of activities at Centro Cultural de Macau, happy Chunchun they got a gife today after class… it’s a CD with their photo and a few little story they watch in class, and a goodbye card. Chunchun will miss this activities much, because when I told him this is his last lesson, he kept asking me why and wanted to keep joining this… well, we have to wait until next year then.
Back home to take a shower and then go to New Yaohan to have lunch and shopping around. Sigh, Chunchun’s hands, legs and feet were all water color=.= blue, purple, orange… we spent 15 minutes to wash it off>_<
Have lunch in New Yaohan, and then select gift of Ching’s birthday and played sand painting with Chunchun before we back home. Ah, I bought 2 underwear because they were on sales^O^ Have to tell Grandma about it, I planned to go to New Yaohan again next Wednesday with Grandma.