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第十堂暑期英文班(English Summer Course)


Took Chunchun to English Summer Course this afternoon, and then went to supermarket alone. Back to Learning Centre around 3pm something, I found that Chunchun was pretending robot ^O^ It’s so cute that I took out my cell photo immediately to take photo for him… Hum, they finished colors and shapes book, and learning “-en” words today.
After English Summer Course, we back home to have tea and then let Chunchun nap for a while before dinner. Sigh, Chunchun need to nap everyday, if he didn’t nap, he will fall in sleep during dinner time, and being super trouble~_~ I been trying to make him nap later after 4pm, but then he nap longer… at least 2 hours a day. So worry how to arrange the schedule for him when he starts Primary 1.
