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第一堂游水(First Swimming Class)


Woke up around 7am to prepare to take Chunchun to his first swimming class this morning. Actually his swimming class should be starts from Aug 8, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am – 11am. However his coach called Grandma 2 weeks ago and suggested let Chunchun starts his swimming class today, Aug 4,6 and 8 for 1 hrs class first, let Chunchun used to swimming class first and then starts 2 hrs class on Aug 11. Surely we didn’t have problem about it because we got 1hrs free lesson from this suggest.
Arrived to swimming pool around 8.20am, a little bit too early… but it’s better than late. Watched Chunchun swimming until 10am and then I walk to the swimming pool gate to pick up Chunchun. However, I didn’t see him come out until 10.20am =.= Went into the swimming pool and asked the coach, where is Chunchun. Haha, coach forgot her suggestion and let Chunchun swim for 2 hrs class today… and then she said, it’s ok, gave Chunchun 2hrs free lesson then, and asked me to remind her that Chunchun should be in 1hr class on Wednesday and Friday.
Picked up Chunchun around 11am something and then we walk to McDonald’s to have lunch. After lunch we walked to MTR station and then back to great Grandma’s home to take shower and kept Chunchun awake until 4pm. I went to shopping around in Mong Kok around 2pm something and back home before dinner time. Great Grandma said Chunchun was super sleepy today, he ran to bed right after she told Chunchun he can nap now; and Chunchun fall in sleep within 3 seconds XD



