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同媽咪會朋友去飲茶(Lunch with Macau Mama)


Busy day for me, haha, take Chunchun to school with Papa this morning, and then we went to buy breakfast back home together. Went to have lunch with Macau Mama Club friends around 1pm. So happy to have lunch with Macau Mama Club friends, we been a month didn’t have lunch together, because Chunchun and I stay in Hong Kong for summer holiday.
After lunch, I spent around 20 minutes to try to find a parking space near Chunchun’s school… however I didn’t find it>_< I have to want 10 minutes to foods market, and then walk to Chunchun school to pick him up and walked 15 minutes to back to my car. Poor Chunchun said his school bag is heavy, he’s very tired. Hum, I guess next time, if I need to go to food market, I better go there earlier to find a parking space near Chunchun’s school, I was super tired too.
