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又去香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


Took Chunchun to school this morning and then do laundry and pick suitcase to go to Hong Kong for 6 days 5 nights holiday^^ Hum, Chunchun off school on 5pm today because they started to have Self-Study class on 4pm to 5pm. Sigh, at first the teacher said kids have option to join or not, but now they said if Chunchun don’t join… I need to write letter to them=.= So Papa suggested to lest Chunchun go to Self-Study class for a while to see if he can finish all his homework in school, if not, then write letter to school to let Chunchun off school earlier to do homework at home.
Went to pick up Chunchun on 5pm today, and hurry back home to prepare to go to Hong Kong as soon as we can. Sigh, when I check on Chunchun homework, he finished nothing today, didn’t know what’s he doing in Self-Study class=.= It’s just waste his time… I rather him back home earlier and I look after his homework myself. Since Chunchun couldn’t finish his homework at school, we have to take his homework to Hong Kong this time=.=
Arrived to Hong Kong around 7.30pm, hurry to have dinner with Grandma and then walking around in TST before we back home.

