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返澳門囉(Back to Macau)


Sigh, because of the Typhoon Signal 1, we have to hurry back to Macau this afternoon… we were afraid there will be Typhoon Signal 3 or 8 tomorrow, or having heavy rain; those will affect the schedule of ferry or Chunchun and I may get seasick=.=
We first have lunch with my friends Wendy, and then went to pick up the stuff that Papa ordered a long time ago. Arrived to the ferry terminal around 3.30pm and got on the 4pm ferry. Sigh, I was super tired, at first we didn’t have to be hurry, we would woke up in the Sunday morning, and then take the noontime ferry to back to Macau… but now~_~
Papa came to pick us up around 5pm something, and then we back home immediately, Chunchun and I both didn’t feel well, we were having a little bit seasick this time>_<
