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Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, since Chunchun didn’t willing to have breakfast at home, so Grandma bought him a cheese and ham bread in the bakery next to Chunchun’s school.
Do homework and study with Chunchun afternoon school, sigh, Chunchun have a lot of Chinese writing have to do today. Around 4 pages of Chinese writing, he spend almost 2 hours to finish it=.= I know it’s little too much for Chunchun, but he write very slow and not concentrate, I get mad while I watching him… because I found that he always write wrong~_~
After dinner, I asked Chunchun to study Chinese for Chinese Season test on Thursday; then he told me that he wanted to study with Grandma so I let him go to living room to study with Grandma. Around half hour late, he suppose to be finish study a long time ago, however, I found that Grandma was watching TV and Chunchun didn’t study at all>_< I asked Grandma, if she didn’t want to study with Chunchun why not send him back to room, I will study with him. They were wasting time… Chunchun got punishment in front of Grandma and I warned Grandma no next time.