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今日好眼瞓(Sleepy Day)


Super sleepy today, I guess I use too much energy yesterday… when I went to school picnic with Chunchun. Chunchun and Papa woke up around 9am something, and I didn’t willing to wake up until 10am something. Sigh, I really want to sleep, but couldn’t fall in sleep since Chunchun is awake.
We watched car racing on TV this morning, actually Chunchun said he want to walk to the speedway to watch (we live near the speedway). But I really didn’t want to go out ~_~ Have lunch at home, and then I take a rest on bed while Chunchun playing his toys.
Went to supermarket with Chunchun around evening, because Papa said he wasn’t feel well wanted to have porridge tonight, we have to go to buy something good with porridge^^