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Englsih Test Result(派英文測驗卷)


Went shopping with Grandma his afternoon after lunch and then go to pick up Chunchun together. Hum, we went out around 2pm this afternoon, at first we thought we should have enough time to walk around… but then we found that it’s not enough=.= We were in hurry to go to pick up Chunchun on 4pm.
Chunchun told me that he received English test paper today, he only have 90 something… I asked him why, he said he made a careless mistake=.= Check on his test paper when we back home, he’s mark is 97+5(bonus part)… Total 102, over 100 he still can get a stamp for 100 point. Actually I didn’t like bonus part, it’s nice that Chunchun still got full mark when he have little mistake… but I found that Chunchun was quite rely on bonus part… if there have no bonus part, he won’t have 100 points. After checking on his test paper, I found that Chunchun has another Chinese Pre-Dictation again=.= Have to study dictation after homework again… sigh~