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太公太婆黎澳門丫(Great Grandparents Come to Macau)


Great Grandparent came to Macau around 2pm something, and then great Grandma goes to pick up Chunchun with me. Chunchun was very surprise that great Grandma was waiting in car, he have a big smile on his face when he saw great Grandma^^ Chunchun show me a gift when we back home, he said one of his classmates couldn’t attend his birthday party on tomorrow, therefore his classmate gave him the birthday gift today.
Back home to do homework and study test on next week, because Chunchun will be busy on this weekend… Mandarin course and birthday party on Saturday; English course on Sunday and maybe go out with great Grandparent; School Anniversary activities on Monday; birthday on Tuesday (school holiday, we will go shopping with great Grandparent and Grandma)… better study something for test first.
We have dinner a little bit early tonight, because Papa have to back to work on 8pm tonight, and Grandma arrived home around 8pm something, she have to have dinner alone=.= Happy Chunchun got a few gifts from great Grandparents and Grandma tonight, but he have to wait until his birthday to open it^^