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請病假(Sick Leave)

醫生又係果句,病徵唔明顯,唔確定係乜事發燒,不過都應該係傷風,感冒架啦…唉~醫生丫,醫生,除左傷風同感冒..係咪就冇其他病架啦=.= 睇完醫生就返屋企煮粥比駿駿食,食完食藥就同佢一齊瞓午覺.可憐駿駿今次病時瞓覺會發惡夢喎,下午瞓瞓下又喊又叫話好驚..好可憐呢.

Woke up around 7am this morning, measured Chunchun’s temperature immediately. Chunchun still having 38.5℃ fever, back to sleep again until 8am… to call to school that Chunchun need to take sick leave. And then wait for Chunchun wake up to go to clinic.
Doctor said that Chunchun may getting flu or cold =.= Just gave us a few medicine… sigh~ Back home to prepare porridge for lunch and then take nap with Chunchun. Poor Chunchun seem to have night mare during nap… he cry and woke up a few time today.