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重曳(Still Naughty)


I was very angry yesterday and still mad today too. After blamed by Papa and I, he still not improve himself and kept naughty, not listen to me… sigh~
Chinese test on tomorrow, Chunchun was doing not bad on this subject, so didn’t plan to study hard with him, just simply study one with him.. However, when he back home from school, I found that he have a lot of homework have to do~_~ Have a Math’s quiz that over 50 question… Chunchun spent over 1 hour to do it, and the other homework… we really didn’t have much time to study Chinese=.= Poor Chunchun have to go to bed last to study Chinese test.
I was wondering what’s the problem of his Math teacher! Math test is on Friday, why she/he has to give so much homework to kids today? Why not give it to kids tomorrow for study?