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常識測驗(Common Sense Exam)

哈,今日我買左件Hello Kitty既T-恤同外套呢..不過本來我都冇諗過要買野架,係爸爸想買衫過年,不過佢睇極都唔岩就叫我件外套過年啦..哈..哈..

Last day of Exam week and it’s last day of school too… Chinese New Year holiday starts after today. So happy that we can rest of a while, didn’t have to study everyday ^O^ Chunchun told me that his English exam is 92, hum, he have to be punish… because he didn’t willing to study English on Wednesday, he said he knew it all, he said he will have good mark… but now… he’s only 92… wonder what should I punish him…
Picked up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon, back home to have lunch and then nap together for awhile. At night, we went to the Venetian to have dinner and shopping around. Have dinner buffet at Bambu Restaurant around 6pm, um, didn’t have much choice there and foods wasn’t too tasty either… and then main point is after dinner, Papa and I both got belly ache~_~ we have to run to the bathroom while shopping… I guess Papa and I won’t go to that restaurant again.
Bought a Hello Kitty jacket and T-shirt today, haha, at first I didn’t plan to buy anything, Papa is the one who wanted shopping. However, Papa couldn’t found anything he like, so he asked me to buy some new clothes for Chinese New Year….