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第一日上公文(First Kumon Course)


Busy day today, Mandarin course in the morning on 11.30am to 12.45pm, English course in the afternoon on 2.30pm to 3.45pm and then Math course on 4pm to 4.30pm. Mandarin and English course mainly on playing, dance, drawing… it’s some kinds of fun and relax course… however Kumon Math is some kinds of toilsome, need to do exercises every day and need to be finish within 10 minutes… I was quite worry that Chunchun will not like it.
Took Chunchun to Kumon around 4pm and then went to pick him up on 4.30pm. He told me that he have fun there, he got 100 marks and played Math games there… hum, hope that he will not hate it when he have to do exercises everyday. Hope that Kumon Math really can improve Chunchun’s Math.