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第二堂公文數(Second Kumon Math Course)


Busy day again, Mandarin, English and Kumon Math courses in one day. Sound tired, but Chunchun really enjoy these courses… I guess I am the one who feel tired just to waiting for him during every course.
Leave home around 11am, we first drove Papa to work then go to the learning centre. Since I couldn’t found a parking space, I let Chunchun go to learning centre alone. Watched him got in the learning centre then I drive to look for a parking space. Went to supermarket afterward and then go to learning centre to wait for Chunchun. Um, it’s really boring and tired just sitting there to wait for Chunchun.
Have McDonald’s for lunch and we went to buy boxes to collect Chunchun’s Kuomon Math exercises. Go to learning centre again around 2.30pm to attend the English Course. Waited at learning centre until 3.45pm then took Chunchun to Kumon’s Centre. Haha, it’s his second Kumon’s course, he wasn’t sure what he have to do actually, he took his homework and his file to teacher’s desk… then he just stand there to wait for his teacher told him what to do next. I leave the Kumon centre after I saw Chunchun started to do his exercise. Back to pick up Chunchun around 4.20pm, I saw that Chunchun was talking with his teacher. Chunchun told me that he will have a test next week, to see if he can go up one grade or not… he’s starting from 4A101 in his first lesson (it’s K2 second term level). Hum, is it little too fast to have test to up grade? But I do hope Chunchun can pass his test next week to 3A001… hope that it really can improve Chunchun’s Math. At night, we have porridge for dinner, since Papa didn’t feeling too well.