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同爺爺飲茶(Lunch With Grandpa)


The learning centre called yesterday, said that Mandarin course have to be cancel today; therefore, Chunchun could watch TV this morning. Papa called 11am something and told us we have to have lunch with Grandpa around noontime. That’s nice^^ I don’t have to asks for leave to go to have lunch with Grandpa today.
After lunch, Papa and I took Chunchun to English course and then we went to supermarket together^O^ Back to learning centre to pick up Chunchun on 3.45pm and then took Chunchun to Kumon centre for his Math course immediately. So happy Papa was free today, after taking Chunchun to Kumon centre… we went to McDonald’s to have tea without Chunchun.
Happy Chunchun told me that he pass the test today, he starts doing 3A exercise today. Back home around 5pm, let Chunchun rest for a while and then asked him to study test on next week… sigh~ so many test and dictation every week.