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龍珠-全新進化(Dragonball Evolution)

6點前同駿駿出發去接爸爸放工,就去觀光塔食晚飯同睇戲囉.今日我地去左Riverwalk Eatery度食晚飯,今晚我地叫左個牛扒,炸魚薯條,漢堡,同介蘭炒蝦仁.食食下晚飯,忽然有歌手走埋黎我地張枱度唱歌喎,駿駿即時變得好怕羞咁,重食得好快添…哈..哈…食完晚飯,我地係玩具反斗城睇左15分鐘玩具,先去睇戲呢.

Papa and I been thinking when to take Chunchun to watch movie – Dragonball Evolution. Finally we decided to take Chunchun to Macau Tower to watch movie tonight. Papa and I went to pick up Chunchun together, and then went to Macau Tower to buy movie ticket. Drove Papa to work afterward then Chunchun and I hurry back home to finish his homework.
Leave home before 6pm to pick up Papa first, then go to Macau Tower to have dinner and watch movie. We went to Riverwalk Eatery to have dinner, we ordered a steak, a Tower burger, Fish and Chip and a dish of vegetable. Haha, while we having dinner, 3 singers came to our table and starts singer to us… shy Chunchun kept smiling and ate very fast suddenly… haha. After dinner, we spent around 15 minutes in Toys ‘r’ us then we walk to the cinema.
