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英文默書(English Dictation)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then we back home to do laundry and vacuum… Went to Zhu Hai around 11am to have lunch and shopping around until 2pm^O^ Haha, I bought a set of vest and pant for Chunchun and I bought a pair of slipper myself. Hum, Grandma didn’t buy anything today.
Back to Macau around 2pm something, and then we go to travel agency to pick up my ticket to Taiwan, and Grandma took some leaflet to plan to go to Taiwan with Chunchun in the summer.
Picked Chunchun around 4pm, happy Chunchun told me that he was doing great on his English Dictation, he should get full mark on it… and asked me to open new toy… haha… remind him again I have to receive the test paper or the dictation first.
Back home to do homework and then Chunchun need to study for Chinese Test on tomorrow… sigh~ test and dictation everyday… felt so tired that I have to study with Chunchun every day.