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難得既晴天(Sunny Day)


Sunny day today, hum, been raining all week actually so happy to have a sunny weekend. Took Chunchun to Mandarin course around 11.30am and then I went to a dentist to fix my broken tooth. My tooth was filled around 14 years ago, but some of the filling come off 2 days ago~_~ Luckily, dentist said it can refill it, but now, she filled some medicine init first, have to wait for 3 weeks to have my tooth filled.
Back to learning centre just on time around 12.45pm, I was quite worry I will be late to pick up Chunchun when I listening to the dentist explain… what happened to my tooth and why I have to wait for 3 weeks.
Hum, McDonald’s lunch again, and then we hang around in the books store until 2pm something to back to learning centre for English course. I went to supermarket to buy stuff and drinks during English Course, and back to learning centre to pick up Chunchun to Kumon Math around 3.45pm.
