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英文考試(English Exam)

今朝同婆婆一齊送完駿駿返學,我地就返屋企休息一陣,到10點幾左右就出街啦.婆婆同我一早要去旅行社訂機票同酒店呢..因為我地打算用尾27-30號去台北玩4日3夜.唉~我地大約10點45分出門口,一直係旅行社門口兜左好幾個圈,都完全唔覺有位泊車,最後叫婆婆落車入旅行社先…咁搵位法,真係怕搵到駿駿放學都未搵到=_= 最後,真係諗果樣衰果樣呢…婆婆訂好晒野,我係附近兜左成個鐘…都係冇位泊車架…本來我地重諗住去完旅行社可以行下街…結果依家要即時去接駿駿放學呢.

Took Chunchun to school with Grandma, and then back home to rest for a while until 10am something. Grandma and I went to travel agency to join package to Taipei for 4 days 3 nights on Jun 27 to 30. Sigh, we leave home around 10.45am, and I couldn’t find any parking space near the travel agency=_= Finally, Grandma went in the travel agency alone, and I kept driving around and trying to find a parking space.
Been driving around almost an hour =_= Grandma was done in travel agency… sigh~ no parking space… at first we planned to go to travel agency and then shopping around, but now… we go to pick up Chunchun directly.
English Exam today, wonders how Chunchun is doing. Hum, when we went to pick up Chunchun, Chunchun told us that tomorrow they will have books sales… all books are 5 dollars each, he wanted to buy some.