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去香港囉(Go To Hong Kong

返到太婆屋企時大約3點鬆d啦,原本我係想去行街架,點知入屋冇耐就落大雨啦>_<唉~早d落咪好囉,咁我同駿駿就可以著住水鞋過黎澳門啦,依家日日都落雨,但係我又冇水鞋著喎..好彩都買左隻kitty crocs,頂住先...

Have to go to Hong Kong today, sigh, at first Papa and I planned to have lunch at Fisherman's Wharf and let Chunchun play the summer games before we go to Hong Kong. However, Papa have to work suddently>_<
Stay home with Chunchun in the monring, thinking when should we go to Hong Kong, if Papa didn't have time to have lunch with us. Finally I finished my laundry around noontime, and then hurry to the ferry terminal to take 1pm ferry. So that we couldn't have lunch in the ferry^^
Back to great Grandma's home aorund 3pm something, and then we just stay home to have dinner, because it's raining after we arrived>_< At night, I went to the dentist after dinner, because I wanted to refill all my decayed teeth that filled 15 years ago.