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留係屋企(Stay Home)

晚上返太婆屋企食晚飯,食完晚飯後,婆婆同我就一齊帶駿駿去又一城行下街啦.主要係因為依家得又一城間玩具反斗城先有駿駿鍾意玩既高達扭蛋遊戲機呢.開心駿駿重一連玩左2局添丫,不過依家加左價以前15蚊,依家要18蚊丫=_=玩完遊戲機,再係玩具反斗城行左一陣就走囉...返屋企前我地重去左超市買零食,哈,買左好多一定夠今個暑期食呢.重有丫,我今日又買多左條牛仔褲比駿駿啦...佢開始大個仔,再成日著一套套果d衫唔好睇囉,就佢著多d T恤牛仔褲算囉.

Went shopping alone this afternoon, because Chunchun refuse to go shopping with me>_< He said he was very tired yesterday. Fine, I went shoping alone... and I bought clothes and hair pin for myself, I was happy shopping alone too.
Back home to have dinner and then Grandma and I took Chunchun to Festival Walk after dinner. Happy Chunchun played twice the Gundam's game, and looking around in Toys 'r' Us. And I bought him new Jeans tonight. Before we back home, we went to supermarket to buy snack... haha, it's enough we eat for this summer.