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英文默書(English Dictation)


Hum, took Chunchun to school before 8am this morning, reminded Chunchun to be carefully during dictation, and spend time to study during recess, he should have Math Quiz today, because he have Math test on Wednesday.
Went to food market before go to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, sigh~ I couldn’t find a parking space near Chunchun school or foods market, finally I parked very far away… and then hurry to the foods market and hurry back to car to drive to Chunchun’s school.
Arrived to school a little bit late today, Chunchun said he been waiting for a long time=_= While we on the way to home, he told me that he was doing great on his dictation, but didn’t sure what to write in bonus part… Hum, back home to do homework immediately, study for a while, and then he can play for a while before dinner.