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即日來回香港(Half Day HK Trip)


Chunchun woke up early to watch his favorite cartoon, and I didn’t wake up until 10am something. We didn’t have much to do today, planned to go to New Yaohan to have lunch and shopping around or go bicycling. However, Papa called around 10.30am and told me that Chunchun and I have to go to HK immediately=.= His uncle and the property agent were waiting for us… Chunchun was quite surprise and disappointed, but he was happy after I let him bring the NDSL to HK… haha.
Hurry to get change and go to ferry terminal immediately and take the 12pm ferry>_< Met Papa’s uncle and the property agent around 2pm and we looked an apartment… that’s it@_@ Finally we called the other property agent, and take a look of another apartment Papa and I visited a few weeks ago… to negotiate prices and then sign the contract immediately… haha, we buy it quick….
Afterward, Chunchun and I go to Mong Kok for a walk, and then arrived to ferry terminal around 5pm to back to Macau. Sigh, super tired, but it’s nice that we finally buy an apartment we like.