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係玩具反斗城買禮物(Shopping @ Toys "r" Us)


Have lunch with Papa at Macau Tower this afternoon, and planned to go to Toys ‘r’ us with Chunchun after lunch. However, Papa have to work suddenly, we have to hurry to drive Papa to work after lunch… sigh~
Took Chunchun to English course around 2pm something after we drove Papa to work. Hum, didn’t have much to buy today, just hang around in the supermarket until Chunchun off course. Since Papa will be very busy, I promised Chunchun to go to Toys ‘s’ Us after English course^^
After English course, Chunchun wanted to go to the books store, so we hang around in the books store around half hour, I was trying to suggest Chunchun to buy books for his birthday… however, he just want to read there and asked me to go to Toys ‘r’ Us once he finished his reading. Haha… and then we spent around an hour in Toys ‘r’ Us, kept walking around and around, finally Chunchun decided to buy a TV game with a sword shape control.
Back home before 6pm and great Grandparent were already here, they come to join Chunchun’s birthday party on tomorrow, and we planned to go to Zhihai on Monday and Walod Spa on Tuesday, Chunchun will be very busy these few days. Grandma will come tonight too.
