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同婆婆行街(Shopping With Grandma)

駿駿同我琴日下午就返左澳門啦,而婆婆就係晚上先黎到既.今日既早上,對駿駿黎講係遲來既Boxing Day丫,因為聖誕我地返左香港,駿駿唔可以係正日拆禮物啦.開心駿駿,打開所有禮物都好岩佢心水喎…樣樣都好鍾意…搞到佢都唔知開邊份玩具出黎玩先好呢.

Chunchun and I back to Macau yesterday afternoon, and Grandma come to Macau last night. This morning is a very late Boxing Day for Chunchun, haha, because we were in Hong Kong during Christmas, Chunchun couldn’t open all his gift on boxing day. Happy Chunchun loves all the gift he gets, and couldn’t decide play which one first.
In the afternoon, we went to New Yaohan together to have lunch and walking around. Hum, my aunt asked us to buy the gift to Chunchun for her first if we find it in Macau… however, when we found what Chunchun wanted, I call my aunt and she said she may come to Macau tomorrow… therefore, I told Chunchun to wait until my aunt coming and let her buy it to him herself.
Chunchun was a bit disappointed, but he accepts our suggestion, because that is the gift from my aunt, it’s better to let her buy it for Chunchun herself. Back home around 4pm something, and let play with his new toys that opened this morning.
