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即日來回香港(One Day Trip to HK)


Chunchun woke up early to watch his favorite cartoon and study for test on next week for a while. Hum, actually we were waiting for Papa’s call, we have to go to Hong Kong today to check on our new home. At first, we planned to have lunch and dinner and shopping around at Hong Kong, however, Papa was very busy today>_< Finally, we only have lunch at Hong Kong and then go to check on our new home… Papa back to Macau immediately afterward, leaving Chunchun and I in Hong Kong to the Jumpin Gym USA (we promised Chunchun to take him there).
Hum, we arrived to Hong Kong around 12.30pm, and then went to Mong Kok to have lunch and walked for around an hour, then take MTR to our new home. Finished checking around 4pm, poor Papa has to hurry back to Macau. Chunchun and I go to Plaza Hollywood to the Jumpin Gym USA to play for a while. Hum, we didn’t spent much money on playing today, because once we step in the Jumpin Gym USA, Chunchun found a booth of DIY keychain. So Chunchun spent almost an hour on making his keychain. I was quite surprise that Chunchun was really doing a great job. He made a Gundom without any photo, he just do it in his mind.
We take the 7.30pm ferry back to Macau, and back home before 9pm, hurry to let Chunchun take a shower and go to bed.


