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新八佰伴(New Yaohan)

今日下午同駿駿去左新八佰伴同新馬路行街呢.唔,我地先係新馬路度行下街,買街邊小食做午餐,之後再行去新八佰伴睇下玩具,行下超市.最緊要係比駿駿玩果部數碼暴龍機呢…因為佢早排買雜誌送左張數碼暴龍卡呢.~_~原本諗住佢玩一張卡就算,不過勁多人排隊,一個遊戲最多可以用3張卡呢,佢得1張,實好快玩完,排左3半個鐘頭隊,玩得1張卡又好似好唔抵咁…結果我拿拿聲去買多2包暴碼暴龍卡比駿駿呢>_< 最開心就係駿駿啦,因為一張免費既卡,搞到我買左2包新卡比佢,咁佢又多左10張卡啦.重要鬼咁好彩,每包都有1張閃卡添.

Took Chunchun to New Yaohan and New Road shopping area this afternoon. Hum, we first have snack for lunch in the New Road shopping area, and then we walk to New Yaohan to let Chunchun play the Digimon Card Game… because he got one Digimon card from a magazine. However, while we queue up for the game, I found that the game need 3 cards to play it=.= Hurry to buy 2 packs of Digimon Card for Chunchun>_< Happy Chunchun got 10 Digimon cards because of his 1 free Digimon cards from the magazine….
