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小小北鼻的名字: Dione (for girl) 黛歐妮; 鸐漾

小小北鼻的名字: Dione (for girl) 黛歐妮;

Dione Dione ( "dy OH nee" ) is the twelfth of Saturn's known satellites:

In Greek mythology Dione was the mother of Aphrodite (Venus) by Zeus (Jupiter). 在希臘神話中迪歐妮是維納斯和邱比特的媽媽

Festival of Dione:10th July

Dione is one of the more mysterious Greek goddesses. Some believe that she is the personification of a more ancient Mother Goddess (Goddess of the Oak, from Asia Minor) and that the Greeks simply adopted her into their pantheon.

If that's not vague enough, Dione is also said to be the feminine name of Zeus. When Aphrodite greets "Dione" as 'mother' we can only guess at what that actually means.

DIONNE: A variation of Diana. Relatives: Dion, Dione.

The Goddess Dione chooses to appear as a female in her early 30s. She is tall and slender and has pale flaxen hair, almost white, and wears this gathered up on top of her head. Her eyes are violet colour. Most times she wears a long flowing gown that seems to be of a thicker woollen type of material than that worn by most other Goddesses.

Explanation: Dione, one of Saturn's larger moons, is remarkable for its bright surface streaks. These streaks run across some of Dione's many craters, which indicate that the process which created the streaks occurred later than the process which created the craters. Dione is made of mostly water ice but its relatively high density indicates that it contains much rock inside. Dione was discovered by Giovanni Cassini in 1684. NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn is currently scheduled for launch in October 1997. Dione's orbit is remarkable it that it also houses the much smaller moon Helene. This moon, once designated "Dione B", precedes Dione by about 1/6th of an orbit.

Zephan--male-Hebrew--treasured by God
Saffi--Scandinavian -- wisdom (Male/Female)

Mireille--French Female--admirable

Aidan--Celtic--Male Fire
Adrienne--French Female--Dark one
ADRIAN: A variation of "Hadrian," Greek for "rich" and Latin for "dark one." Very popular among popes. Sylvester Stallone gave it a seemingly permanent prefix with the line "Yo, Adrienne" in the ROCKY movies. Relatives: Adrien, Adrienne, Adria, Adrea, Adriana, Adrianna, Adrie, Hadrian. Namesake: Adrienne Rich.
Adrian--Latin Male--Dark one
Audrey--English Female--Noble strength