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不論是在急性期或緩解期,以下方法都是自然醫學醫師(Natuoapthic Physician)用來治療過敏症狀或逆轉過敏體質的有效療法:

1. 用天然植物性的抗過敏藥物,使肥大細胞安定下來。例如,尤佳利樹萃取物、生物類黃酮、天然維他命C。

2. 用針灸調整局部與全身性的自主神經失衡現象。

3. 使用植物性抗氧化劑,以中和體內過多自由基,穩定細胞膜。

4. 避免食用一切氧化與氫化的油脂,長期適量補充富含Ω3必需脂肪酸的油脂。

5. 提高睡眠品質,使身體的腎上腺能得到足夠的休息,因為精神飽滿的腎上腺會分泌天然的皮質酮,使體內的發炎或過敏現象消退。

6. 避免劇烈運動,因為突然劇烈運動會擾亂自主神經的平衡,自主神經失衡時會透過神經傳導物質,激發肥大細胞,導致它分泌發炎物質。須多從事緩和的身心運動,例如瑜珈、八段錦、太極拳。

7. 常保愉快的心情,許多小孩甚至大人的過敏,是在壓力過大與心理創傷的情況下誘發出來,因為心理變化也會直接影響自主神經的平衡。

Natural Therapies Used by Naturopathic Physicians Include:
Clinical Nutrition: Nutrition and the therapeutic use of foods have always been a cornerstone of naturopathic medicine. A growing body of evidence now validates the naturopathic concept of using foods and nutritional supplements to treat or manage a wide range of conditions. N.D.'s receive over 140 classroom hours in clinical nutrition.

Homeopathy: Over 200 years old, this powerful system of medicine is widely used and accepted in many other countries. The British and Dutch Royal families employ physicians specializing in homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies act to strengthen the innate healing of the individual, and seldom have side effects. Brought to the US in 1825 by doctors who had studied in Europe, by 1900 there were 22 colleges of Homeopathic medicine, including a department at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. The sale and preparation of Homeopathic remedies has been regulated by the FDA since 1938. Modern research has shown Homeopathic remedies to be effective, with research articles printed in the British Journal of Pharmacology, The Lancet and Pediatrics.
Botanical Medicine (Phytotherapy or Herbal Therapy): Naturopathic physicians receive extensive training in this area and often blend their own formulas, or even prepare their own extracts. Research in the German E Commission Monograph has verified the use of plants as powerful healing substances which are safe and effective when used knowledgeably. Scientific research in Asia and Europe has shown that some herbal preparations are at times clinically superior to synthetic drugs.

Physical Medicine: Techniques used by N.D.'s include, but are not limited to, applications of heat and cold, diathermy, ultrasound, hydrotherapy, exercise therapy, and Naturopathic Manipulative Technique (NMT).

Oriental Medicine: Naturopathic physicians are trained in the fundamentals of Oriental medicine and methods of diagnosis. Many incorporate acupuncture, acupressure and oriental botanical medicine their practice.

Counseling and Stress Management: N.D.'s are trained in a number of psychological techniques, including biofeedback, hypnotherapy, counseling, nutritional balancing, abreactive therapy and other methods

Minor Surgery: All Naturopathic physicians are required to complete classroom and clinic work in the surgical removal of foreign bodies, cysts and other superficial masses, and superficial wound repair, using local anesthesia.