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Dos Picos, San Diego

17953 Dos Picos Park Road
Ramona, CA 92065
ThomBros: 1171-H5

Hours: Camping, 24 hours/day. Day use, 9:30 a.m. to sunset.

Phone Number: 760.789.2220

Directions: From San Diego: (46 miles northeast of San Diego) - Take Highway 67 north to Mussey Grade Road, then south one mile to Dos Picos Park Road. Follow this one mile to the park entrance.


Dos Picos County Park is located in the Ramona area. Its name, Spanish for "two peaks," is derived from two prominent mountains nearby. Dos Picos is surrounded by ranchland and steep rocky slopes, which help preserve its secluded atmosphere. The peaceful, shady park is well suited for campers and picnickers. Camping sites include partial hook-up sites, tent sites, and a youth group area.

Free educator training is available for use of the Discovery Kits. Call (619) 390-7998 or (619) 561-0580, or e-mail Ranger Patty at [email protected]

Dos Picos County Park also offers the Discovery Kit program. Kit titles include:
Trees and Forest Ecology
Plants with Legophotosynthesis
Insects with Build-A-Bug
Native Americans

Dos Picos presents the kits in the classroom and offers a field trip to the park. To see images of the program in action, see this. For information or to schedule a Ranger visit and/or a field trip, please e-mail Ranger Kyle at [email protected].