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Christmas Eve(M)

Once upon a time, a little girl called Kirsty had a diary.It said
PRINCESS with a butterfly made out of sequins underneath. One
day when it was just one day before Christmas Eve, Kirsty lost her
diary. She was very shocked! This is how it happened. Yesterday,
when she was at school, a mean ugly goblin with pointy ears stole
it, but why would a goblin want it? You will find out in the story.
Kirsty went everywhere to find it. On her way to the park she
bumped into her friend, Rachel. She told Rachel her diary was gone.
Rachel told Kirsty hers was gone too. It seems like the same thing
had happened to her. When it was Christmas Eve, a fairy came
secretly and told them their diary was magic! That must be why the
goblins wanted their diary. Suddenly they found themselves in a
glorious land/place! It was fairyland! They saw two green goblins
with long pointy ears, also holding their diary. The queen and king
took the diaries of the goblins and gave them back to the girls.
They put some fairy dust on Kirsty and Rachel and they were
whisked back home. No goblin ever tried to steal their diaries
ever again.

The End