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Royal Ballet School (9)(M)

"What if we don't get through?! What if we hurt ourselves and while we're away, people take our space and we don't get in?!" Rosa exclaimed. Rosa and Delphie put on their leotard and their waistband. Delphie was as relaxed as ever while Rosa was rather nervous. "Don't worry Rosa. Relax!" Delphie soothed.
"Oh, your like mum!" Rosa exclaimed. She tied her golden hair into a bun and put the yellow clips in to make her bun secure. Delphie patted Rosa on the back, "We'll have a big feast full of chocolates, cakes and sandwiches with many different drinks at the Royal ballet school even if we don't get through, to throw our disappointment away." Delphie continued. She tied her dark hair in a bun with the brown hair clips pushed in just as neat as Rosa.

At the Royal Ballet School, Imogen, the helper explained the rules to the young ballet-lovers. There were surprised exclaims like 'We need hairspray?! Only 16 of us can get in, and there are about 40 of us!'. That rose Rosa's nerves even more. Imogen hushed them with a quick clap of her hands.

"May I please have the best young ballerinas to take their exam please. The two youngest best ballerinas are Rosa Maitland and Delphie Durrand." Rosa's mum and Delphie's dad were alone so the two married each other. Rosa's middle name was Maitland and they were not allowed to have the same last name in the Royal Ballet School so they used Rosa's middle name. They gasped at the names. They were the youngest best ballerinas? That meant that they would certainly get in! Imogen walked towards them before leading them over to the examination room.

Another helper asked the another two ballerinas to the doctors to test if they were healthy enough to join. Then led them to the health test room. Another helper came to ask one ballerina to the interview of the boss, Darcey Bussel. Then, led the girl to the interview room.

That evening after everyone had done all three tests, the feast began. Delphie and Rosa ate fruits and veg and sandwiches, only picking out one chocolate and a scoop of ice cream, in case they got a bit too fat for the Ballet School.

One person stuffed their mouth with a toffee bar, a spear of chocolate crisp and a yummy-looking chocolate-covered marshmallow bar. Another person swallowed his mouthful of malted milk bar, helped himself to a butterscotch and a bit of ice cream before he started to eat fruit. When the feast was over, everyone filed out happily munching on the last of their food, a bit nervous a well.

A Week Later
Delphie and Rosa ran back from school. It was the last day of school before half term holidays. "Have you got it?" Rosa asked excitedly.
"Has the mail come?" asked Delphie, a bit more specifically. They half expected Mrs Durrand to say 'No'. Instead, she nodded. "Here, you two open it together or decide who will open it." Delphie and Rosa huddled together to decide who would open it.

'Swswswswswswswsws' came from the huddle. "Mum and Dad!" they chorused in perfect unison. "Yes Dears?" Dad/Mr Durrand said. He was dressed in a black suit with a red tie on. He had just came back from work. They explained that they wanted him to open the envelope and mum take it out and they will/Rosa Delphie will read it to themselves with their expressions on to tell them if they got in.

Slowly, with a lot of tension, dad opened the golden envelope passed it to mum and mum took it out and passed it to the girls. The girls read it to themselves and when they finished they kept their expressions straight and hid behind the big golden envelope before tears of joy welled up in their eyes and spilled out. They pretended that they were tears of sadness.

Delphie burst into a hug with Dad and Rosa with Mum. Mum and Dad were both fooled and tears welled up in mum's eyes, dad's eyes became wet, "Mum, dad......we got in!" they squealed. Mum and dad burst into fresh sobs, this time, tears of joy.