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Chocolate Date-Cleo and Cass (M)

Cleopatra stroked Saturn, eyes fixed on the movie, Pride and Predjuce. Obviously, being a fan of Jane Austen, Cleopatra had a whole set her books and the DVD if they had one. "Look! Mr Darcy's meeting Elizabeth!" shrieked Cassia, Cleopatra's best friend, while popping a chocolate-coated strawberry into her mouth. Cleopatra smiled dreamily reaching out to dip her strawberry in chocolate. Her mother was very good at making chocolate things, chocolate fondues, chocolate-dip, chocolate cakes, chocolates etc. Cassia was always jealous and often nipped over to share the chocolate. Today was Cleopatra's birthday and she had invited Cassia to a sleepover, including a little Jane Austen movie as well as chocolate.

"Electra, you should open a restaurant!" commented Cassia, crunching chocolate covered coconuts. They had finished a mouth-watering dinner and were onto a heavenly chocolate-y dessert. Electra, Cleo's (Cleopatra's) mum, blushed the colour of her 'Pink Starburst Cocktail'. It was non-alcoholic and basically was as bad to kids as a Pepsi every so often. "Mum's been offered a place at 'Chocolate Date' which is a restaurant but the desserts are mainly chocolate! Mum's cooking style exactly! Guess what, she agreed!" burst out Cleo, jumping up from her seat. Cassia high-fived Cleo before they settled down to finish their dessert in front of paused Mr Darcy.

It was the summer holidays and today was the day Mrs Romania's (Cleo's mum) first day to work! Cassia phoned her mum to tell the news to and was given permission to meet up at the restaurant. Cassia changed into the velvet top and black leggings that her mother bought her for her own birthday. Cleo changed into a silk baby-blue dress matched with delicate sapphire blue pumps. A perfect replica of a chocolate hung on a silver necklace, hung on Cleo's peachy neck. Cleo was definitely 'Queen of Fashion', Cassia coming right after. Electra wore a deep wine coloured dress, a pair of fine silky heels and the same necklace that Cleo had. It was a family thing since only Cleo's father could make such a fine replica of anything, especially a chocolate.

"So, what's this about eh?" asked Mrs Lysa, Cassia's mum, sipping a pink starburst cocktail while admiring the restaurant. Cleo was in the library down the road, using the computer to print off coupons, leaflets and posters she designed. Cassia had texted Cleo to say that Electra likes the deign as well as the boss of Chocolate Date.
Right now, Cleo probably had the coupons, posters and leaflets in her hand and was walking down the road towards them. Cassia turned and waved at Cleo. When Cleo finally arrived and handed the things to the boss, Cassia explained what was happening with Cleo chipping in on things. Mrs Lysa smiled down at the cocktail "The boss has found the right person and I can help."...

It had already been a month and business was booming, no one knew of the secret ingredients to make the chocolate dessert or the meals delicious but all they knew was that all their regulars or VIPs asked for Electra to cook their meal and no one else. Cleo still spent loads of time with her mum, becoming an extra mini waitress which some VIPs and regulars both loved having come with their meals.

Mr and Mrs Romania both had jobs but still spent time loving their families.