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Rainbow Beauty-Sorry... (M)

"Abbie! Liam's come to take us to relax at the beach!" shouted my oldest sister, Saff(Sapphire). Liam was a neighbour who was gay, but at first, my other sister, Grace, didn't know; she was supposed to be the clever one! I packed my marble-like pattern(peach and white) cozzie(swimming costume) and my Marble magazine. I am SO obsessed with marbles and their swirly, unique patterns!

"I'm thinking fresh-made doughnuts..." muttered Grace, scooping up some sand as we walked towards a café, Cool-Cat Café. "I'm thinking fish and chips..." mumbled Saff, applying a layer of Berry-Nice lip gloss while digging her wedges into the hot sand. "I'm thinking seaweed wraps..." I thought out loud, eyeing the green seaweed. "What?!" spluttered Saff and Grace choked on her bottle of orange-juice. "No! Not to eat! Maybe we could introduce seaweed wraps for the face masks in Rainbow Beauty!" I exclaimed, laughing hysterically at my sisters' faces.

So Liam and mum took us to the café and had fish and chips and doughnuts with Pepsi. After lunch, Saff took off her cardigan and wedges, slathered herself with sun cream, then found herself a blue and white stripy deckchair to read her magazine on. I stripped down to my marble-like cozzie and Grace came swimming with me. This was a delightful time and I grabbed some seaweed and threw it to mum and Liam for the wraps. Dunking my head in the water, I blew bubbles when I accidentally sighed of happiness.

The cold water really cleared my thoughts when I realised Grace wasn't with me anymore. She and Saff had started a delicate, girly fight so I tiptoed over, ignoring the sticky sand on my newly pedicured feet. "I DO worry about my GCSEs, problem?" Saff shouted, wrenching off her dark shades.
"You never even prepared or studied for them, you never made an effort!" spat Grace, clutching her mobile phone in her hand.
"Well, you don't really know whether I have studied 'cos your never awake at midnight!" hissed Saff, sitting up on her deck chair and digging her toes into the sand for comfort. "Please don't! Liam took us here for an R&R, save it for later!" I begged, blanking mum and Liam's urgent shouts to leave Grace and Saff to it. "Brat!" screamed Grace, throwing her mobile into the sand and running to catch a bus as she tugged on her jeans and top despite being slightly wet. Tears slid down Saff's peachy skin.

Picking up Grace's phone, I noticed she was still on an email from our secondary school, West Spindal Secondary. I quickly scanned the whole email and felt a pang of guilt for not asking why Grace was upset. It was her GCSEs, she failed, despite being the cleverest girl I knew. She would have to resit the test when her mates, Aran and Maisy also did the extra maths but managed their GCSEs. "Liam? Mum? We need to go home and talk to Grace. Please! Hurry!" I exclaimed, tucking Grace's phone into my patterned handbag.

Sobbing could be heard inside Grace&Saff's shared room, I took out her mobile and pushed it through the gap between the door and the sand coloured carpet. I had typed in a note on her phone, on Notes and left it open so she should see it. Liam, mum, me and Saff all wrote something from our point of view after I shared the email. Mum decided we ought to have a nice cottage-y meal to show that, no matter how small the family/house,/food or whatever, we can still be happy/cosy/filled-up-with-simple-but-nice-food.

A jug of creamy milk and freshwater fish was sitting on the table, new and fresh. There was also a lump of deep yellow butter to go with the small, bumpy potatoes. Grace stumbled over and plonked herself on a wooden chair. Me and Saff all found a tiny stool to sit on and waited for mum. "Don't worry dears! I'm coming!" she called from the kitchen. We waited in an awkward silence, staring at the food and pretending to be so starving that we couldn't take our eyes off the food. Of course, we were truly delighted when mum brought out a large and gloriously sticky marmalade roll, steaming hot from the oven. After supper, Grace flushed a deep candyfloss pink and said clearly-ish "Thanks for your support, I guess you guys were all right, it is probably something to do with the problems this term. I just want to say:
Sorry Saff for not being supportive about your GCSEs. Don't study at midnight though!
Sorry Abs for ruining your R&R when you really deserved it after being the one who thought of everything to make our beauty company, Rainbow Beauty, perfect and for calling you brat at the beach today.
Sorry mum for making you worry about me and then burst out all angry without telling you the reasons.
Liam, even though your not here, sorry for not being grateful for the way you helped us manage with all the problems when we first moved in and even now. Sorry everyone!". I guess that was an apology then!

At night, I heard her creep to my bed and whisper "Sorry.".