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She Who Shall Not Be Named... (Melody)

It is said that a lady started it. She was jealous of a woman who had the man she loved which is why the lady tried to harm the woman. Of course, it went wrong. The woman’s husband accused the lady when the woman was murdered and the lady was going to be sent to court. The day before, she took a rope, fixed it to the ceiling and screamed a curse: “All woman that look in a broken mirror to admire themselves shall be killed…by me!” With that, she hung herself on the rope and, with her remaining strength, stabbed the mirror. A broken mirror.

Carrie was a mean woman. She was staring at her mirror one day. Suddenly, the glass cracked. Without noticing the thin crack in the middle, she carried on admiring her long, ropy hair. A pale face looked back, matched with bulging eyeballs and black lips. Carrie screamed, but it was too late. The ghostly lady leaped out of the mirror and strangled Carrie, feeding on her death. She smiled, satisfied with the strength she was given. Suddenly, a force pulled the ghostly lady back into the mirror. She wailed like banshee but was sucked back in. The next day, the dead body of Carrie opened its eyes and smiled eerily. It wandered back in the mirror and went in.

Carrie, She Who Shall Not Be Named and all the other woman wait in the mirrors, always ready to jump out at their next victim.