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爸比到中國已經三天了,爸比有和貝貝通過skype,今天說也要看看圓咪。 從昨天晚上,媽咪才知道原來小姐妹還是有在想爸比的。阿貝不會表達,但是每次跟爸比通skype的時候,看到手機裡的爸比,就緊緊地把手機抱在懷裡,像是抱住爸比一樣。圓咪比較懂事,也知道爸比的苦衷,當然,很忙也是原因啦,不像阿貝表現那麼明顯,只是交代媽咪,要是爸比打電話,要問爸比的身體,有沒有吃飯,有沒有生病等等。 下午,爸比打skype來的時候,小姐妹搶著和爸比說話,媽咪讓貝貝抱了一會兒電話之後,就讓姐姐和爸比講。沒有多久,姐姐卻哭著叫媽咪,說爸比在哭了∼∼唉∼∼可憐的爸比,不像我們至少還有彼此,過著一樣的生活,孤零零地在旅館裡,看著寶貝女兒卻摸不到,難怪要傷心。 唉∼∼圓咪和阿貝啊,我們要鼓勵爸比哦,爸比也有自己的理想,難得有這樣的機會讓他去實現,我們都希望他成功,完成自己的夢想,是不是啊?就算發現夢想和實際有差異,至少,我們要讓爸比用力地去闖一下,經歷之後,不管爸比未來的選擇是什麼,他也更清楚為什麼。現在,媽咪放手讓爸比飛,就像以後,媽咪也會放手讓你們飛。 但是,不管是爸比還是你們,都要記住,媽咪會在這裡,一直在這裡,守著我們的家,你們的避風港,讓你們或許只是休息,或許回來停留。所以,你們要勇敢飛,知道嗎? 爸比也是,我們會在這裡,好好讀書,好好長大,好好過每一天,等到你回來的那一天,所以爸比也要努力,不要忘記我們當初的約定,不要忘記自己當初的夢,直到我們重聚的那一天,為了自己和我們的未來,加油哦!!



剛剛爸比打電話跟媽咪說,公司方面已經通知飛機時間讓爸比選,已經確定爸比就是這個星期六晚上要離開。 唉∼∼這件事情,其實也是說了很久,不過,確定的這一刻,還是很難過,從此,我們就要過著和爸比分開的日子了!爸比說,我們一定要往好的方面想,爸比一直想換到業務方面的工作,也想回去中國看看,有沒有發展的機會,還想順便就近多陪奶奶,這次調職,是很好的機會,如果在中國一切順利,也可以存一點錢,等到姐姐上中學的時候,說不定我們就可以買屬於自己的家。雖然,我們要短暫的分離,不過,爸比有假期的時候還是會回來看我們,我們有假期也可以去看爸比兼旅遊。 唉∼∼說是這麼說,可是,我們還是捨不得啊!!雖然爸比常常很白目,可是也常常逗得我們很開心;雖然爸比常發脾氣,可是也常常幫我們做很多事情,雖然爸比不是一百分爸比,可是,他是我們最愛的爸比啊!! 媽咪一直跟姐姐妹妹說,等爸比去上班,我們也要出去玩,答應了姐姐好久沒去看過的表演,妹妹只去過一次的YMCA,但是,媽咪知道,你們其實只是接受了爸比的離開,所以也接受了補償∼∼ 唉∼∼所以,就這樣了吧!!我們就開開心心地,送爸比上飛機,讓爸比為了他的理想,也為了我們的未來去飛吧!!爸比答應過我們,等到姐姐上中學的時候,我們就會一家團聚的,所以,也只是兩年半而已啊!! 爸比啊,我們只是要你記住,我們會很想你,很想你,因為不管你在哪裡,都是我們唯一的,最愛的爸比哦!!



在倫敦的日子,我們一直就是租房子,有時候,真的很沒有歸屬感,畢竟不是自己的房子,想買東西的時候,也會猶豫不決。不過,倫敦的房價真的太高,物價也不低,要買房子,嗯∼∼我們只能說,有夢最美,希望相隨啊!! 不過,最近我們倒是有兩件事,讓我們覺得租房子也是有租房子的好處。首先呢,就是因為我們住的地方,沒有什麼好的中學,如果將來圓咪真的考上grammer school,都是要坐一個小時以上的公車,但是,放榜之前,誰也不知道會不會考上,考上哪一所,學校之間的距離也不近,所以,租房子就可以跟著學校走,考上哪兒搬哪兒,不用圓咪六年都要通車兩個小時。事實上,不要說grammer school了,就連普通分發到學校,也可能是很遠,所以貝貝已經有個同學要搬走,到她哥哥分發到的中學附近去了。若不是租房子,恐怕小朋友就只能辛苦的通勤了吧?! 另外一件就是,哈哈,因為我們租的是帶家具的房子,所以換家具不用錢啦!!話說我們家的那張床,睡得媽咪是腰酸背痛,不過,不是我們的床,我們也不能怎麼樣,只能默默地忍耐,還有那兩張又髒又舊的沙發,我們都不太敢坐。好不容易,我們的三年約到期,爸比說,問問房東可不可以換吧?畢竟我們這麼好的房客,既不拖租,也不破壞,小問題還自己解決,要是我們搬走了,換個房客,就算也是好房客,仲介費也少不了,所以,我們就決定賭一把,反正最多不換,三年都忍了,也不差再忍兩年。 不過,我們的房東答應了,不但換掉我們的床墊,還願意把其中一張雙人床換成上下舖,這樣,房間的空間就大一點(對圓咪和貝貝來說,還多了一個秘密基地),連客廳的沙發也給換!!哇!!真的是太高興了!!我們要有新家具了!! 今天新家具來的時候,全家人都興奮極了,貝貝在紙箱中間跑來跑去,圓咪一心想幫忙爸比組裝,爸比當然是主要組裝着,忙著研究說明書。到了晚上,我們已經把家具組合得差不多了,躺在新床上,坐在新沙發上,哇∼∼真的不是普通的舒服啊!! 哈哈,這個天上掉下來的禮物,大概是我們對租房子最滿意的一點吧!!耶∼∼新床啊,我們來了!!

Butlins recount(M)


Last, last Friday, me, mum, Rebecca and dad went to Butlins at Bognor Regis! We had to take the taxi to get to the train station. There, we got on the train for Bognor Regis. It took us 2 hours to get there! Then, we had to catch the taxi again! That's how we(FINALLY!) got to Butlins! At Butlins, we had lots of fun and there were lots of things to play with too! There were also shows to watch! This in the order of what I like the best. These are also the highlights. There was a place called Splash Waterworld and guess what you do there.. SWIM!!!! I love swimming so I liked Splash a lot. There were water slides and flumes! I went on 2 flumes and 1 water slide. The Master Blaster, Flumes and the Orange Flume. I liked the Flumes the best and I'm sure my dad liked Master Blaster the best. All in all, I don't have one I don't like! :D There's a show that I like so much I will keep it separate from the show paragraph. It's the Skyline Gang! There are six people in the gang and you can look at the picture I drew yesterday to match. The purple girl is called Pip, the pink girl is Candi, the yellow girl is Mimi, the blue boy is called Dude(why? I don't know!) , the red boy is Bud, and the green boy is called Sprout(HUH?!)! My favorite is Pip because she seems more natural and looks nice and is also kind. Then, after Pip, I would like Candi. There are 2 places to watch shows, Center Stage and Skyline Pavilion. The shows are more often to be held at the Skyline Pavilion though. Still, I prefer the shows at the Center Stage. They are the three I like the best and I think, all kids should go to Butlins to play and relax. By the way, go to the Bognor Regis one, I have a feeling it's better!

In the castle D&R(M)


"Hey, Rosa! Where are you going? We're going to have tea! Awww! Hello Rosie! Look, I really don't have time for this sweetheart. Rosa!!" Delphie, her sister, shouted up the stairs, trying to get rid of their new little sister, Rosie. It was a combination of ROSa and DelphIE. "Hey Delph! C'mon! Our rings are sparkling, Sugar and Nutmeg must be trying to tell us something. It can't be a problem, otherwise our necklaces would be the ones that are sparkling. Oops. Yes, Nutmeg?" and with that Rosa started to speak to Nutmeg on their ring. Quickly, Delphie rushed up the stairs and put on her ring. 'I should have kept in my pocket!' she thought and started talking to Sugar. The two hurried down the stairs with their rings in their pockets as if you were wearing the ring, it meant you answered their call and if not, it meant it would carry on sparkling until you do answer. Mrs Maitland smiled, "We've a visitor. She's called Imogen and wants to know if you're good enough for the RAD to join boarding," she introduced. "Uh, mum, me and sis are just going to have a discussion. We'll just pop upstairs to our bunkie yeah?" Delphie responded quickly, nudging Rosa to show their necklaces were starting to glow and pulled her up the stairs in a flash. Rosa and Delphie appeared in a cold dark castle. A servant quickly came over to them and gave them a thick fur-lined fur coat each, hung their ballet shoes on a rack and gave them also a pair of fur slippers. Rosa stopped taking her shoes off and looked around. "Where's Sugar and Nutmeg?" she demanded and prodded her pink fur coat. The servant just shook her head, not responding to the question. Rosa threw the coat and slippers on the floor angrily and stamped on them. "Where?!" she yelled at the poor female servant, who looked tired and worn out. This time the servant ignored her unacceptable temper and picked up the coat and shoes. She held them out and said, "Put these on and come in to the living room. We'll have something to eat and we can talk there." and with that she left the corridor. Delphie had already put them on so she followed the servant into the dark corridor. Rosa undid her ballet shoes and got a maid to hang them up for her. Hurriedly, she followed them, putting on her coat and slippers on the way. It was a long dark journey through the damp cold corridor and the three huddled up in their thick fur-lined coats. Luckily, the servant had a candle that she put in it's holder. Delphie could just make out that they were stepping on a deep crimson red rug. Behind them were there ballet shoes with a little muddy trail behind THEM and it stopped where they took them off. The spiderwebs had been cleaned with long sticks that had grayish bits on them. The only thing was, there weren't any lights. The candle light was dim and the fire often flickered like it would blow out any time, but they still managed to keep in a tight group together and get to a big room. "This is the living room. Miss! They're here!" Alina shouted and let them in the room to explore. There were ornaments on tables and little lamps. The floor was polished wood and very smooth. The walls were spotless cream and the curtains were a delicate shade of lilac. There were soft lights that glowed down on to the floor, making it reflect and shine like ever. A maid came over, her face glowing. She put a silver tray with two mugs of steaming hot chocolate in front of them on the little table on Rosa's side. Rosa handed Delphie a mug and took a gulp of the drink herself. "Rosa, we'd better not spill this on the lovely sofas!" Delphie warned and took a seat on one of the cushion-y sofas. She had one long sip of the delicious warm liquid. It tasted like real melted chocolate. They had enough time to have a little chat about the food and drink and prettiness of this castle. "Look! Another servant's coming! Ooh! It's Alina and someone else! I wonder what that man's got..." Rosa trailed off as the man handed the tray to another little girl to put on Delphie's little table. Delphie passed a plate of food to Rosa and took a plate herself. There were 21 more plates left on the glistening silver tray. "Help yourselves!" Delphie and Rosa exclaimed, beckoning to the other maids and servants. Strangely, no one came out, they carried on what they were doing, minding their own business and busying on. A few minutes later, they all hurried out, took a fairy cake from the left over room and ran upstairs. "Allow me to introduce us. I am Oliver. I am 18. She is Eliza and is 3. She is also me and Alina's little sister. She is 16 and is called A..." and before he could finish his sentence, Delphie and Rosa chorused in unison, "Alina, we know. You just said!" and Eliza was so surprised she fell on the floor with a plop! They made a connection that nothing could break and feared the time when they had to break up."Miss, you bust(must) kikly(quickly) now leaved(leave now)!" Eliza exclaimed, leading the way to the second living room. It was all terribly confusing that Rosa thought everything was a trick. As if reading Rosa's mind, Sugar and Nutmeg stepped out on to the highly polished floor asking, "Do you think it's a trick now?" and lots of people including Princess Aurora, King Tristan, Queen Isabella, King Neptune, all the maids, servants, man servants, Eliza, Oliver and Alina jumped up and shouted "SURPRISE!!!!!"! Servants quickly came rushing in holding trays of lemonade, squash and lots of delicious drinks and food! "Let's have a party! It's so gloomy without lights!" Nutmeg announced but Delphie and Rosa had to leave. Eliza started crying and pounced on to Delphie and clung on not letting go. "We'll meet again!" Rosa shouted through the cheers of the crowd. Back home, Rosie was clinging on to Delphie as they walked down the stairs. "We've agreed." Rosa announced to Imogen and their mum. They Got IN!!!!

Zagwitz, the thingummagadgetician. Lost and found(M)


Lucy and William, the two twins, were off to visit there little but old wise friend. Zagwitz/Zag was unbelievably small but also unbelievably old. He invented strange magical things with his pet owl, Twit-awoo/Awoo and his seagull friend, Flewy. Just as the twins set off, Mike strolled in holding two long, thin parcels. Before anyone could say anything, William shouted to the deliberate annoyance of Lucy, "Look, it's dad with the FISHING RODS!" as Lucy nudged him hard in the stomach. "And how on earth do you know?" exclaimed Mike as he put the two fishing rods down on the carpet. "Well, if you were to guess what I have in this parcel, you can call all the commands and orders for the day!" and he took out a well-wrapped large present with a tag saying, From Zag to Luce and Will, in black ink and a sticker saying in red block capitals, FRAGILE. William's eyes lit up and picked up the box, shaking it hard from right to left. "Stop! You'll break it! Can't you read? It says FRAGILE!" shouted Lucy, grabbing the box from him and placing it carefully on the table. She examined it carefully and put her ear to the box. "I know! It's the 'Orb of Brilliance'! Artless the heartless, sorry, I mean Astral, Eggbert, Eggna and Zag said they'd send it over and they also said it was fragile, didn't they?" Lucy exclaimed, jumping about. William grinned, "That means I get to shout orders for the day! I mean, I thought of it before Lucy so...". But they all ignored him, minding their own business about the Orb. Lucy suddenly jumped up from the sofa and walked to the door. She put on her trainers and her new caramel colored jacket. "You'd better open this parcel to check if your right before you go anywhere, even if your just off to say thank you for the present," Mike called out to the doorway just as she laced up her trainers. Lucy sighed and quickly took off her trainers, then, she rushed off to the living room to open the parcel. Just then, Sally-Anne came bustling in from the door holding some shopping bags from Tesco. "Mum, what are we having for tea? Can Zag come over?" asked Lucy, the minute Sally-Anne came in. "Well dear, we're having pie and we're going to have a relax before you go and mess up your new clothes," Sally-Anne replied, eying the jacket on Lucy. "But mum..." "No buts. Unless you're going to be supervised by an adult. Also, when you come back, I want your new jacket good as new, never mind the trainers!" and Sally-Anne hurried into the kitchen to bake the pie. Lucy sighed once again, she quickly slit open the seal with her penknife and, like she said, it was the Orb. When no one was watching, Lucy slipped out and ran into the doorway. Quickly, she tied up her laces and this time, managed to rush out of the door. Behind her, William followed closely. Together, they ran down the path that led to Zag's strange area. The leaves crunched beneath their feet as they followed Zag to his Thingking room. "Now, how about a game of Ludo before we explore the easel's picture? P'rhaps this time, we could go in a bottle of water and test each other's swimming skills?" Zag suggested. "Sure. That'll do," William said as he sat down on a stool next to Lucy and Zag. Zag adjusted his glasses and switched on the lights. He searched in the cupboard for his Ludo game, "Oh dear, I think I've lost it!" he murmured. "How will we exercise our brain then?" asked Lucy, in such a shock that she dropped Awoo! Flewy watched aside, amused by the funny scene. He took a sip of his coffee with his beak and smiled a cheeky smile. An hour of sitting on stools and thinking where it could be passed. Lucy checked her watch and jumped up in fright. "Will! We'd better get back home right this minute! Our parents will be worried sick! See you Zag! Bye Awoo!" and with that, she dragged William to the door and ran off. "Hey! I'll see you to the door! Oh dear. Nothing is going right today!" Zag exclaimed, he turned around and looked at his stool, "Hey! There's the Ludo game! Wait up! And it's squashed flat. Well, that's no use. I'd better get the game pieces and the box mended," . "Lucy forgot about me! Me! Me!" Flewy flapped his wings and flew in circles angrily. Back at home, Lucy was telling the whole story to her mother. "Honestly, we were supervised by an adult! Zag is in fact even older than you!" Lucy pointed out indignantly as she patted the dust of her jacket. True! Nothing is going right!

Go Drama!(M)


"Feel the emotion, yes, you're doing very well!" Miss Fox clapped her hands as Sophie twirled and span into the music at her drama school, Gold Miranda. She and her best friend Sarah stayed at this school. Sophie had lovely green eyes that very hardly shone with happiness. She had yellow curly hair with a fringe. Often, Sophie had a sad, lost faraway look on her face. She was 15 and not a normal girl. She was very emotional and hardly laughed. Sophie was brilliant at music and had always wanted to be a dancer. Though, she had a very sad past for her mum and dad divorced so she lived with her mum, then, her mum died dancing and Sophie's dreams and hopes were all broken. Sophie's best friend was called Sarah. Sarah had brown eyes with such a small glint in her eye you could hardly see it. She had chocolate brown hair that was up to her shoulders and it all curled in like a bob. She was Scottish and had a Scottish accent. Sarah was very shy and had no confidence at all! She had tons of dreams but she just didn't believe herself. Sarah was 15 and very unique. You could only ever catch her smiling the weeniest bit. She had a problem though, she wanted to be a writer BUT..... poor Sarah was dyslexic! Just because of that, her parents abandoned her and drove off to Paris together, leaving her to weep alone. Miss Fox adopted them from on the road. They were sitting on the pavement, Sarah sharing her bread and cheese with Sophie as they gulped water to replace the water they'd just lost. Miss Fox was the first to know what the girls wanted, were like and what problems they'd had/ they've got. Now the girls were acting out a play called, "Beauty Ballerina!" and Sophie was Beauty and Sarah was the second main, Brina. Just as the practice stopped, Madam Zavaroka/Zaza knocked on the door as Miss McKenzie arrived. "Oh, Sophie, Sarah, clubs. I hope you do well in the ballet competition Sophie. Sarah, good luck on your story!" Miss Fox called out as the girls packed their things and walked to the exit. Miss Fox sighed, "What strange but talented girls they are, I do wish they could get along with the other girls." and with that, she started to tidy up the props they'd used. Next Monday, at 5:00 am, Sophie woke up to see that Sarah was holding a crumpled letter with dried tear streaks on her cheeks and red eyes. Sarah still had water in her eyes as she sniffed and read the letter over again. Sophie was surprised to see that she hadn't woken up when Sarah had been weeping and sniffing for what looked like a whole hour! "Sarah, let me see. Don't worry, I'm totally on your side." Sophie gently soothed and patted her back. She read it quickly and her grip on the letter tightened. It said, Dear Sophie Amosna and Sarah Minella, We are very sorry to say but Miss Amosna's father and Miss Minella's family had a car accident. Sadly, they have gone to heaven where pain can no longer hurt them. AG, AP and the rest of the hospital and police station They cried in sadness and soon, Miss Rixa took them to Miss Fox. As they were walking, Sally, a ginger-haired girl read the letter over their shoulders. "Ooh. Oh dear, two little babies have got upset over a letter!" Sally sneered and sniggered, goggling her eyes. Miss Rixa gave her a good scolding and told her what happened. Sally winced when she heard and murmured a small, "Sorry,". After a month, the two girls started to think about each other's problems but they kept it a secret. Sophie was the first to start the action, she thought that Sarah had to overcome her shyness and secretly entered her in for a drama competition. Sarah desperately wanted to let Sophie become a dancer like she wanted to so SHE secretly entered her in for a week's trial of professional ballet in Grade 7! Each with their little secret, the two's friendship started to drift apart, further and further away. Bravely though, when it was nearly the ballet trial, shy Sarah told Sophie what she had done. Surprised at her braveness, Sophie quickly told her that, though she was scared, she had always wanted to, just she never had enough money. Then, Sophie told Sarah what SHE had done! Sarah gaped at her, though she was terrified, she agreed to go with the flow. Time passed quickly and the day of the competition came. Sophie had already gone to the trial, agreed to carry on and now she had her Grade 7 ballet exam! The two put on their clothes quickly and silently, then hurried to the door to set off for their great fears and that was that. Off they went. Quickly and quietly. Shaking and trembling onto the bus. Now was the time to hear the results! Sarah prayed that she get first place and win the trophy though she thought that another girl called Lina would win. Sadly though, Sarah won but wasn't allowed to stay! On the other side, Sophie was anxious to know too. They told her she got distinction but couldn't stay any more too! Sophie was disappointed. She must got something like 92 points and the other girls got 100 so she wasn't good enough and so she left quickly and disappointedly. When they met, they blurted out the good and bad news to each other. All confused and upset, they told Miss Fox and Miss Rixa. After two months, two letters came saying Sarah got in to real acting, not the teaching sort and Sophie got into the adult-ish ballet! The two burst into sobs of happiness and sadness that they were going to leave each other. Soon, when they calmed down, they promised each other to keep in touch and walked off proudly in two different directions, off into the sunlight. by Melody Zhu 9 years old

My first concert (M)


Yesterday, I had my first concert! I was playing the cello. All the people at the concert were from the Merton Music Foundation(MMF). We meet up every Saturday morning from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock. I have been learning to play the cello for 8 weeks along with 4 other people, Aimee, Dylan, Ivy, Ifeoluwa and our teacher Debra. We learnt quite a lot of pieces and we can play with the bow as well as pluck now. I didn't think That concert though, Ivy didn't make it so we managed on our own. All of us went really mad before and after we played. We played 4 pieces, Hot cross buns, the Alphabet song, Rolling along and Twinkle Twinkle in the style of pepperoni pizza, so ta ta ta ta bom bom. We did pretty much something special for each one. For Hot cross buns, we played it twice and on the second time, the teacher joined in with a harmony. For the Alphabet song, me, Aimee and Dylan started first and after we played the first two notes, Ifeoluwa and Debra joined in so us three finished first. For Rolling along, a pianist played on the keyboard along with us. As for Twinkle twinkle, we added the little pepperoni pizza rhythm. We also held a pose on each one which was holding the last push or pull until the audience started clapping. I always thought that concerts would be: at night \/= tick all dark / = half tick quiet / spot light >< = cross classical / fun \/ scary / Now I know what real concerts are like and I have conquered my fear of being in a concert, only in a group though. :)



三年前,我們家發生過一件懸案,就是圓咪才和Sofia姐弟一起玩的飛鏢,整組就不見了,算算也有十幾支,放起來也有一盒子,但是除了當時我們翻箱倒櫃的找,後來,我們的客廳,房間,也都把家具乾坤大挪移過,而我們的飛鏢,就是怎麼找也找不到。 今天下午,媽咪幫貝貝收回圖書館借回來的十本書。接著,姐姐回來之後,姐妹倆就在沙發旁邊讀,等到媽咪做完飯,來收拾的時候,咦?怎麽少了一本?於是媽咪就開始大整理,從沙發縫,櫃子角落,抽屜裡面,能翻的,能找的,都找遍了,就是找不到,爸比回來之後,也幫忙把所有能動的家具都搬開,所有的箱子盒子都倒出來,但是,就是找不到貝貝的小書。 最後,爸比宣布,“英國有鬼,而且我們家有百慕達!!” 吼∼∼真的是,奇怪了,明明媽咪才數過,怎麽會煮個飯回來就不見了呢!害媽咪想著想著,帶姐姐去跳舞的時候也一直想可能在哪裡,一頭就撞上電線桿(誇張,以前聽人講說走路去撞到電線桿,還以為是別人開玩笑,原來,不專心的時候,這是真的會發生的!),唉∼∼這個,也可以算是“禍不單行”嗎? 天啊!!我們的東西到底到哪裡去了? 後記:隔天,爸比把那張最大的沙發也搬開後,終於找到了貝貝的書,還有很多“百慕達”中的玩具,不過,圓咪的飛鏢還是不見踪影(當然囉!!沙發搬到這個位置前就沒有,現在有,那英國就真的有鬼了!)所以,飛鏢啊飛鏢,莫非你們已經到另外一個時空了?

Gymnastics recount(M)


Last Wednesday, 29th February, I had my gymnastics competition! Me and 5 other people went: Milly, Ruby, Taye, Abdrahim and Charlie. Our gymnastics teacher, Mrs Yates, has a baby called Holly, so she drove to the competition place, Canons Leisure Centre, Madeira Road, Mitcham Surrey. As for us, Ms. Perrin and Mrs Langtherd came and we got on the bus 200 to Mitcham and walked the rest off the way. When we first got off the bus, we were all chattering with excitement. We were all very nervous and we each told our stories about how we felt the past few days and how we felt that morning. Milly was hiccuping that morning with nerves and I had nightmares about us coming last. Ruby just listened to us and the boys messed about. When we got there, I compared it to what we all thought looked like. It was nothing like what I thought of in my nightmares! The centre was massive and had 4 stations. We met up with Mrs Yates and her parents who came to take baby Holly away. We walked like gymnasts to station 4 to warm up. Milly fiddled with her hair clips because her fringe kept getting the way until Mrs Yates came to tie her pony tail all over again. After we warmed up, a nice lady called Tanya came and introduced herself. She told us about the 4 stations, station 1, Floor exercise, station 2, Vault, station 3, Body management and station 4, the rest and practice area. First, a different lady came and did some stretches with us, then, we walked to station 3 to do our Body management with another school. We carried on until lunchtime and by that time, we'd finished. When we'd all finished our lunch, the judges announced our scores. Garfield came first! So, we got a trophy, but, it wasn't gold, it was silver! There were also individual awards and no one got all 3, but only two people got all 2, a girl called Roxy and ME! We all skipped back to school proudly with a happy smile on all our faces.



今天是圓咪參加體操比賽的日子,從星期天開始,圓咪就已經不停地喊“緊張啊緊張”昨天晚上,還說自己今天會肚子痛,不能去上學呢!! 早上,我們應老師要求提早到學校,圓咪只帶了一個午餐袋,裝了滿滿的點心,哈哈,媽咪好像把比賽當成旅行了!圓咪啊,你不要緊張,就跟媽咪一樣,當成是到別的學校旅行就好了啊∼∼ 下午接圓咪的時候,媽咪看到圓咪拿著“star of the day”的小獎座(每天班上有特別優良事蹟的獎),興奮地跟媽咪說這是因為她們參加體操比賽。媽咪趕緊問,是不是得獎了啊?去年學校可是第二名,所以學校對圓咪她們也是寄予厚望的。果然,今年Garfield得到了第一名,而三種個人獎項(vault,body management and floor exercise),圓咪就囊括了兩項冠軍(vault和body management),而因為在這次Merton的區冠軍,所以六月,圓咪她們將再度代表Merton參加全倫敦的比賽。 哇,我們圓咪真的好棒哦!!媽咪還記得當初圓咪是為了等Milly才參加體操隊的甄選,沒想到竟然成為體操隊的一員,而且還在區賽裡拿回兩個個人獎項,要繼續超級大倫敦市的比賽。原本,我們就是想說,就跟著玩兩個月,也不過就是星期五晚點兒放學,現在,眼看就要變成參加正式的比賽,當然,訓練時間也跟著拉長囉! 爸比開始做夢,想著說不定我們圓咪將來可以在體操上有所發展,因為圓咪從小就是運動神經很好,爬得高,跑得快,平衡感好,身材又不高,英國體操又不是很強,.......,哈哈,爸比真的想太遠了,媽咪只想圓咪要是有好成績,在將來申請學校的時候可以有點幫助就行了!!不過,現在想這個也是太早,等圓咪參加完大倫敦的比賽,我們才知道這些是不是可行吧?! 哈哈,無論如何,我們都很開心。圓咪啊,媽咪還是老話一句,你做得好,是我們的寶貝,沒得獎,也是我們的寶貝,只要你事事全力以赴,你就是我們的驕傲,知道嗎?

Storytime! Chicken Licken (M)


Hello Diary! Today's story will be about Chicken Licken. It will be a slightly different story, but that's the fun! Changing the story slightly! Chicken Licken was a little chicken who was scared of everything, he'd once thought the sky was falling down(it was actually just an acorn)! Today, let me tell you another story about him. Chicken Licken was at home, eating his mother's homemade worm porridge. What a treat! Chicken Licken was finishing his last spoonful when, BOOM! A sound came! Chicken Licken was very scared. He thought a giant was coming! Of course, once again, he didn't see the farmer heaving a huge rock and dropping it on the floor. "A giant's coming to Farm Larm!" Chicken Licken shouted, gathering Goosey Loosey, Rooster Looster, Henny Lenny, Foxy Loxy and Ducky Lucky. "What now?" they al asked , sleepy and yawning. "Didn't you hear?! A giant's coming to town!" Doggy Loggy asked. "Oh you silly things! You believe Chicky Licky after the sky lie?" sneered sly Foxy Loxy. He rubbed his head as a chorus of clucks and quacks and cock-a-doodle-doos sounded. They looked around, searching for acorns. "Well there are no acorns-acorns-acorns." repeated Goosey Loosey, looking under an oak tree by mistake. "True." the rest agreed. BOOM! The sound came again! "See! It's true! It's not a lie!" Chicken Licken shouted and ran to warn the king of Farm Larm. Soon, everyone came to the Farmer. "Aye! What's the rush?" he asked. "Weheard a boom sound! A giant's coming to town!" they all shouted. "It must've been my rocks!" chuckled the farmer, pointing to his pile of rocks. Everyone, except Foxy Loxy(he'd long gone home) and the farmer, chased Chicken Licken all the way back home! The End!

Olympics 2012(M)


In London, in a warm cosy house in July, a happy family were getting ready for one very special occasion. They were going to see the Olympics! That family, had a 17 year old daughter who was going to be in the Olympics that summer but wasn't good enough. She was quite good but all the others would have been said to be perfect! Her name was Jennifer. "Come on Jenny(Jennifer)! You must be excited to see the Olympics! You know all the moves and you might even be called up to replace someone who doesn't come!" her mother's voice sounded from downstairs, "You have to be!". Jenny packed a cardigan in her handbag. She picked up her hairbrush and combed her hair quickly. She looked around her room, scanning every corner. While she was wondering what else she might need, her mother called up, "You'll be late if you carry on slowly like this! Now get your ice skating suit now! Oh, and do bring that beautiful pair of blue ice skating shoes with silver sparkles on! They will look like crystals under the spotlight!". Jenny sighed, she thought that her mother had forgotten that she was just a in-case and all she would do was sit in the waiting room and watch, watch from there unless someone wasn't there and she was called to replace(but that is hardly possible). Jenny was the last one to get in the car. She checked that she had the house keys with her and her handbag(which was now full because of all the extra little things (apart from the beautifulest ice skating kit) that she was told to bring)was on her shoulder. Then, she stepped in the car and tapped her father's shoulder, a signal that everyone was here. Her father(Mr. Zanzibar) started the engine and drove off as their house disappeared from sight. They arrived at the Olympic stadium at 3:00, ready for the ice skating part. Jenny strode off with her kit and handbag to the waiting room that only people who were going to compete were allowed into. There were the ice skating people, Amelia, Florenza, Mary, Courtney, Jay, Quinn, John, David. Florenza, Lina and Mary were her arch enemies. When she was kicked out of the group, they laughed behind her back and worse, they were in the same high school! As soon as she entered, Florenza giggled and squealed in a baby voice, "Oh hello there my darling." and looked at Mary and snorted, "Ha! Too bad you looked like you were going to smash the ice when you skated!" and Mary sneered and they walked off to tell Amelia and Courtney. Jenifer's(Jenny) eyes widened in horror, if they told Amelia and Courtney, they wouldn't like her anymore! At least Courtney was in the same high school as her(as well) so she could try and make up with her soon. The time passed quickly and they were soon through the register. They had realized that Lina was missing! So, Jenny did get a chance to take over and what she got to take over was the solo! She knew all the solo moves off by heart. Finally, it was her turn to show the audience and the judges what she could do and with a swift push off she leaped into the routine. The routine involved lots of complicated moves on ice but Jenny managed them perfectly! It was now the time to announce the winner. The judges knew that it was Jenifer not Lina so if they came to announcing her, then they would know who to say. "Amelia Greer, Mary Anonna and Jay Krimms come third, Courtney Zanly, Quinn Greer and Tom Farrel come second and first place goes to to.........Jenifer Zanzibar!" One judge announced and presented Jenny a gold cup with a statue of a ice skating girl inside. Jenifer was skating here and there with joy! She was the first to skate away. When she was back, home, her parents kept congratulating her and telling her that the judges had Lina kicked out and that Jenifer would replace her. But Jenifer wasn't really listening, all she could think about was the next Olympics and exciting things would happen That was Jenifer Zanzibar.