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今天貝貝要上reception了!! 還記得貝貝在這裡出生,長大。從在娃娃車裡推著,換成傘車,到走路,騎scooter,除了媽咪,這裡有許許多多的鄰居一起看著,陪著貝貝走到今天。所以,當媽咪早上牽著穿制服的貝貝上學的時候,有好多的鄰居都跟媽咪一樣高興,也驚呼貝貝竟然要上學了!!當然,也没有忘記鼓勵貝貝,這個大家看大的孩子~~ 姐姐一路上交代著貝貝,上課會遇到什麽事情,老師會說做什麽,貝貝要做什麽等等,貝貝也不知道到底是懂了還是没懂地不停地點頭。呵呵,光是聽話這件事,好像是有進步了啦∼∼ 到了學校裡面,貝貝還算是熟悉環境,没有任何的遲疑,就跟著老師進去掛書包,放外套,媽咪跟貝貝親親道再見,貝貝也没有什麽特别反應,就跟著其他小朋友一起坐在小圓圈裡了。 貝貝啊,看著你這樣,媽咪其實好捨不得啊,你怎麽就這樣長大了呢?媽咪還想著你在懷裡的樣子,怎麽你就已經完全可以離開媽咪了呢?對你而言,今天只是開始reception的第一天,可是對媽咪而言,却是你已經獨立的開始,從此,媽咪不能再把你當baby,要幫著你學習長大,為你未來的獨立生活,成為社會棟樑準備,想到這裡,媽咪不知道,這手,該怎麽放開啊? 不過没關係,雖然我們已然踏上這條路,這倒也是一條漫漫長路,媽咪還是有很多很多時間可以跟你在一起,陪你慢慢長大,只是貝貝啊,你也要答應媽咪,不要太快長大,讓我們有更多一點回憶陪媽咪,好不好啊?

Frienship Picnic (Short story, Scribbler)(M)


The rhythmic pattern of the rain drummed on the roof, as if trying to get itself into the warm house. Cookie toasted her feet by the fireplace, sighing unhappily. She had been looking forward to the annual friendship picnic with all her friends together, gossiping under the sun. "Nothing's worse than being let down, I was really looking forward to that picnic!" Cookie moaned out loud, stretching out. She flopped down on the crayon-blue couch and opened her book, blowing on her hot cocoa that contained sweet sticky marshmallows (not that it even needed blowing; it had been on the messy table for an hour and a half!) Cookie had been sat there munching on home-made cookies for an hour now and finally, she'd come up with a list that made annual friendship picnic so wonderful: the sun, chatting together, relaxing, eating, giggling and... being together! Of course! Cookie had a plan. She pulled open the curtains, letting the sun in and hung up a massive paper sun. She lay out a checked picnic blanket and carried her big Christmas tree down from the attic. Fingering the needles, she pulled some off and stuck some green leaves in place of them. Letting in some birds, she introduced them to their temporary home and gave them some poppy seed. The food was soon ready on the blanket. Cookie called her friends and they like her idea, very much! One by one, they arrived, ruddy from their run in different shades of pink raincoats. They found a place on the blanket and stuffed themselves, giggling, chatting, relaxing, all under a large paper sun and real sunlight. Of course, they were together.

The Light in the Bushes -Scribbler (M)


"It's time to go home now!" repeated Peter, getting impatient "Stop playing silly games!" he called once again but there was only silence. Peter headed towards the eerie light and scanned the bushes. Cautiously, he pushed aside the two green bushes. The bright, blinding blue light shone into Peter's eyes, taking him on a bumpy journey to... "Never-land!" exclaimed Penny, scooping up the golden sand "So this is what it's like to be Wendy!". Wading happily in the calm, lukewarm seas, her hair stuck to her head and her clothes clung to her body. Dragging her wet body out of the sea, she thought about the story of Peter-Pan. What would they do? Imagining to be Wendy, she pulled a brown, furry coconut from it's swaying tree. The hot sunshine shone down onto Penny's red top, drying her nicely. Just as she cracked open the coconut, a loud boom caused a mini earth tremor. The sky turned crimson and a slightly larger bolt of lightning accompanied by a deafening sound of thunder was sent hurtling down towards the once-calm-but-now-choppy mass of dark blue sea. A green coloured lightning bolt? Soon, the thing became closer and clearer, it was a green hoody, khaki camouflage shorts and luminous green NIKE trainers worn on a slightly pink body! What a sight! "Peter!" shouted Penny over the roaring seas "You've come to join me in Never-land!" she yelled as Peter fell onto the large sandcastle Penny had made, squashing it flat with a satisfying squelch. "I've come to take you back home," shouted Peter, looking at the angry red sky, dark clouds shooting constantly at them "With some borrowed red slippers from Dorothy, who lives on that island over there." he finished, pointing to an island where the sun shone down warmly. Swapping his trainers for the slippers, he signalled for Penny to follow his lead. "You looked so like Peter-Pan in all that green." commented Penny, clutching her blue trainers in her left hand. Together, they clicked their heels three times and chorused "There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home!".

Lemon Zing & Kiwi Sharp! (M)


I was sprawled across on the green grass, slurping lemonade. Surprise, my cavalier puppy who loved surprising people, pounced onto my legs, tongue hanging out with doggy drool splashed on it. "Yuck!" I squealed, sitting up and crawling quickly away. My little sister Anna ran into the back-garden to see what had happened. Giggling, she left Surprise to chase me and plonked herself in front of the telly just in time for her favourite show...'Garfield'. Just in time, mum arrived with muffins and more iced lemonade on a shiny tray. Escaping, I cartwheeled expertly onto the patio and ran into the living room, Surprise right at my heels. "Mmmm!" grunted Anna, beating me to the glass of lemonade with the most ice in and the plumpest muffin. I rolled my eyes and helped myself to the glass with the most lemonade in and the second biggest muffin, the blueberries in it were so juicy! The next morning, I pulled on a tatty long top, some half-length leggings, and pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail. Quickly, I slid down the banister, wrenched open the fridge and drank some lemon squash straight from the carton. "Ew! Pour it into a cup, why don't you?" Anna said, tossing me a disgusted look while the telly was still showing an advert. "You just keep quiet about me drinking from the carton and I'll 'zip' about you creeping here at 4 am to watch CBeebies." I hissed, pouring some squash into my mug and shooting her a deadly glare. She was hushed in an instant and stuffed her face with Coco Pops, avoiding my eyes. I made some toast and ate, flicking through my magazine, enjoying the peace and quiet. Finally, Anna was quiet, mum was sleeping and dad was already at work! Now, the only wrong thing was this place smells dull. What could I do?... "It's my turn to watch TV! You watched Garfield yesterday!" I argued, Surprise barking to my knees. Anna had a firm grip to the remote control but my palms were already starting to sweat. "Whoever gets it watches today!" she declared dramatically, daring to let one hand go before clasping the control again. "I give up! Your hands don't sweat!" I shouted, letting go, I sat on the patio, sipping my zingy lemonade. That was one way to make me smell and feel fresh... Reading the bubble bath liquid recipe carefully, I bought a set of bubble bath making things and made my own bubble bath liquid, adding my own ingredient, lemon. Now tonight was experiment night! I couldn't wait for the day to pass and I let Anna win at everything because I was in such a great mood and because of my daydreaming. I couldn't wait! "Bath time!" mum shouted so I rushed up the stairs and shouted "Me first!". I was in such a rush I forgot to get my bath liquid. Running back down, I imagined the smell, the feeling when I would be bathing in a perfect temperature with lemon zing bubbles surrounding me when..."IT'S GONE! WHO TOOK MY BUBBLE BATH LIQUID?" I yelled, going livid. Everyone searched everywhere but no one found it, "It's gone!" I wailed in despair. Anna came in looking sheepish. She had her hands behind her back and said, "Well, Cols(Coleen), I kind of borrowed your liquid and recipe to help me make a present for you, a kiwi one to make up for the telly thing." and she handed me to bath liquids, one green and the other yellow. I snatched it off her and poured a bit of both into my bath. Jumping in, I could smell them both double good and feel the freshness double as well. Maybe Anna's not so bad after all... "Sis! Can I watch TV tomorrow as well?!" MAYBE?! NO WAY, she's very bad!

Fashion Queens-Summer Strife(M)


Striking a pose, I winked at my reflection. A glittery eye winked back at me. "Glittery!" I announced quietly, not wanting my mum to know what I was up to. My pain-in-the-neck little sister Em burst in and froze. She knew I wasn't supposed to be doing this and in a flash, "Mum, Coleen's going to be late for school if she doesn't hurry!" Em shouted. Grounding my teeth, I listened to my mum who shouted, "You've got ten minutes before the bus comes, you'd better hurry!". I glared at Em and hissed, "Snitch." before I slammed the door on her. My pink blouse and silver(slightly glittery) skirt was strewn on the floor, it was my uniform. My new eye-shadow-glitter matched the skirt and I hoped my parents wouldn't notice. I brushed my teeth quickly with Colgate and slid down the banister, holding onto my skin coloured socks. With a quick one-two, I flipped two pieces of bread into the toaster, pulled the juice from the fridge and swigged. Em was already sitting at the table, face make-up-less. "Yuck," she began, wrinkling her freckled-nose at me "Pour it into a glass, why don't you?". Ignoring her, I stuck the carton of juice back into the fridge and picked out my two pieces of toast. Spreading on some Nutella, I started daydreaming... 'A tanned girl strode onto the dance-floor carelessly, as if she owned the place and flicked her long brown hair. Everyone gazed at her glittery make-up and drop-dead glittery skirt-' "Coleen! Earth to Coleen!" a voice full of amusement called and I opened my eyes to see my mum, dad and Em staring. I followed their eye line to my piece of toast and saw that I spread about 1cm deep of Nutella. "Gotta go!" I shouted, stuffing down my toast, rich with a nutty chocolate flavour as I blushed a rosy pink. Running out the door, I heard Em sniggering as she got ready to ride her baby pink scooter to her Primary School. Mel was in her usual seat on the bus but there was blonde girl sitting where I usually sit. Mel and the blonde girl were too busy chatting to notice me. Hurt, I turned and walked over to sit with Tia, an lovely girl in my class. Tia clearly knew what had happened but was kind enough not to mention it. For the three-quarters of the bus ride, I couldn't really focus on what Tia was saying. I kept looking over at Mel and the blonde girl but they didn't notice me. Soon, I gave up and started listening to Tia. The bus jolted to a halt and as I walked out, I accidentally bumped into the blonde girl. She shoved me to a side and then stared at me disdainfully with her misty lake-blue eyes. Her eyes were the most gorgeous I had ever seen but I was really annoyed with her attitude. It wasn't like I did it on purpose! For the first time in forty minutes, Mel saw me. "Oh my gosh, there you are! I didn't see you!" she exclaimed as the blonde girl came and threw herself onto Mel. "Come on my BFF! You have GOT to show me around!" the blonde, grey-y-blue-y eyed girl exclaimed, gazing at Mel with her eyes. I swear I saw her eyes go round and cloud up a bit more, right, she wants to do puppy eyes on MY best friend, she'd have to pay first. At break, I went to find Mel to see that annoying new girl glued onto Mel AGAIN! I felt myself bubble with anger as I walked towards the two. "Oh, it's you again." the new girl said scornfully, flicking her long white-ish hair. Mel looked surprised that the girl seemed to know me before I dragged her away annoyed, making sure that blond girl didn't follow. "When that, girl is around, you basically ignore me and forget me. Why don't you just say you don't like me any more?" I burst out, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I-" Mel began, looking anxious. The new girl ran towards us and latched onto Mel again. "You outsider! Third wheel, you made my BFF scared!" the girl shouted, showing neat rows of gleaming white teeth. For once, Mel stood up for me, shaking off the blonde girl. "Summer Collins. Don't talk to my best friend like that. Just because your new ain't mean you can be rude!" retorted Mel, taking my sweating hand. "You two losers, I'll...I'll...I'll-" Summer was soon interrupted by me "You'll what? Tell your dad that you called ME a third wheel when me and Mel have been BFFs, as you call it, since we were babies?!". Mel led me away from the shaking Summer Collins and we went to line up outside. At the sleepover, Mel apologised for being so silly and we all thought about today. "All this strife caused by Summer Collins, and I thought she was nice!" Mel sighed, feeling the heat of the summer. "Mmmm..." I agreed, staring at the ceiling, "Summer strife...".

Baking Bonanaza-Profiterole Towers and Surprise Wedding Cakes (M)


Squealing, Grape waved her chubby little arms around as our family, Linnet's family and Belle's family crowded around 3 cream invitation with black swirly handwriting. One was addressed to my family, one to Linnet's family and one to Belle's family. Shaking, I slid my rose pink nail across. Slowly, I took out a cream and forget-me-not blue card. 'To, My wonderful family, Cherry, Grape, John(dad), Lauren(mum), I'm getting married! It's to the wonderful young man Mike you've met. Our wedding is on the 7th June. YOU are invited! Please come! Love, Pineapple & Mike xxx' I squealed with delight and Linnet and Belle ripped open their families' invitations, excited. "When's the 7th?" Linnet asked, pouncing on my right shoulder. "OMG! It's the day after the day after tomorrow!" Belle screamed, pouncing on my left shoulder. I grinned, would my aunt let me make their wedding cake? "Two more days now!" I screamed as I jumped out of bed the next day. It was sorted, I would wear a short peach-coloured dress. Linnet and Belle would wear the same dress. Our hair would be let loose, it was all I thought about now! I would also wear my special diamond clip with dangly diamond earrings. They cost a fortune so it would be very special. I pulled on my short white top and a pair of apple-green shorts. Grabbing my aqua-coloured handbag, I rushed downstairs and ate a piece of toast with Nutella(chocolate spread) spread on it. "Bye!" I yelled over my shoulder, slipping on my emerald green high tops. All through the lessons, I couldn't concentrate. I was designing Aunt Pineapple's wedding cake, I had been given the honourable permission! As we piled out of our classroom to go home, I dreamt of profiteroles, in a tower, profiteroles in a tower! 'That's it!' I thought and I took out my notebook and scribbled down my idea. My family was treated to a colossal profiterole tower for dessert tonight. I had a lot of practice and by the time I had my 12th profiterole, I had written down the recipe for a profiterole. "Urghmmm! Mmmmm!" Grape gurgled, stuffing her chocolate framed mouth with profiteroles. I smiled into space, almost the wedding! After another day, it was...WEDDING DAY! I was smiling from ear to ear, frantic texts from me to Linnet, Linnet to Belle, Belle to me and etc. Excitedly, I packed my dress and leotard, earrings and clip and dressed in my apple green shorts(again!) and the tummy-showing-slightly white shirt (again!). Also, I packed my apron and hairnet. I was ready to make the profiterole tower cake and be a brilliant bridesmaid! We arrived at the beach wedding party! Quickly, I went to bake the profiteroles and, 3hrs later, I took out the tower, left 2hrs in the fridge, and placed it on the table. Quickly, I changed into the sash-y peach bridesmaid dress. It was all over in a flash and soon, Aunt Pineapple and Uncle Mike came to see the wedding cake they had been kept a surprise. As soon as they saw it, they. Were. Gobsmacked. "Wow! Perfect! What a delicious delicacy!" Aunt Pineapple exclaimed, and Mike nodded in agreement. Everyone feasted on the thousands of profiteroles and licked their lips. Again, Grape stuffed her chocolate-framed mouth with her 6th profiterole, "Urghmmm! Mmmmm!" she gurgled, smiling happily. Profiterole Towers and Surprise Wedding Cakes.

Baking Bonanza-Fluffalanche cupcakes and Cadbury's World (M)


Chatting and giggling with Linnet and Belle, my new friends after rubbish Kimber, we missed around with a bar of Cadbury. "Girls. " my mum reminded softly as she kissed the forehead of my baby sister, Grape. I giggled and stroked Grape's head, leaving Belle and Linnet to play catch with my bar of Cadbury. "I'm home!" bellowed my dad, striding into the kitchen. "Where's my Grape princess?" he asked, cooing and fussing over Grape. I felt a deep pang in my heart, what was it? It was very late when the phone rang. I rushed downstairs, Apple-Pie at my heels. I grabbed the handset of our sleek telephone and answered it. "Hello?" I said, eyeing my newly made fluffalanche cupcakes. "Is this part of the Fudge family?" a woman's voice asked. "Mmmhmmm." I murmured, sighing with the deliciousness of my fluffalanche cupcake. "Last Saturday, you entered a raffle to get a family ticket, no matter how many people in your family, to Cadbury's World. We picked out someone and it was the Fudge family. The day after tomorrow, you should receive a mail with the ticket in. There should be a shiny silver sticker if the ticket's real. Ok?" she said, all in one go. I choked on my chocolate fluffalanche and in a flash replied with a "Sure thing! Excellent! Fine! Bye!". "Mum!" I shouted into the darkness of 10:00, "We won the raffle thing!". Finally, on the day of the visit to Cadbury's World, I was dressed in my dusty rose coloured dress, pinched at the waist with my small, cream wedges. I had my hair loose with my very exquisite and expensive real diamond chip clip fixing one small braid. For my bag, I slipped on a turquoise handbag and dropped my mobile into the bag. Ready to stun the people, Linnet and Belle, I smiled at my reflection in the vintage mirror. Standing in front of the wine-coloured sign, we gaped at the gold lettering. A nice-looking woman walked over to check their ticket. 'Clarabelle' I read in my head, eyes squinting hard. 'What a name.' I pondered as I turned around to look at the long queue behind us. "These three young girls are sisters?" Clarabelle queried, eyeing us suspiciously. Me, Linnet and Belle nodded simultaneously and also handed her my home-made fluffalanche in perfect unison. Clarabelle smiled and bit into one, "Pure heaven!" she exclaimed, throwing her head back as she said so. "Who made this wonderful things?" she demanded, laser-like eyes boring a hole through each of us in turn. Shyly, I stuck my hand up and she hugged me the minute she saw my wavering hand. "Now now! Come in, the baby doesn't count as a family member so she can come too." Clarabelle said, all business-like again, leading us to the main factory to see the chocolate-making. I took millions and millions of notes during our visit and scribbled down a quick recipe. Linnet took a sample of each type of chocolate and tucked it into a pouch that kept the contents inside cold. Belle remembered the chocolate names. We were all kept busy and lucky Grape even got a few taste-tests because she was small and cute. Mum and dad shared some od the chocolates from Grape and commented on what could make the chocolate better. Once we were back at home, I took out a hairnet, an apron, a new whisk, a brand new see through baking bowl, a measuring jug and a 'Cadbury's World' badge and 'Pro Baker: Cherry' badge that Clarabelle had persuaded her boss to give me. I pinned my name badge on the new apron and fixed my Cadbury's World badge on the right-hand side bottom of my new apron. I tied the apron on over my dusty rose dress and pulled on the hairnet. Immediately, I used the new tools and whisked up a multi-chocolate-flavoured fluffalanche made from the melted samples of chocolate. Finally, it had cooled down. "Everyone! Fluffalanches for everyone!" Fluffalanche Cupcakes and Cadbury's World

Cooking Bonanza!-Banana Boat and Pillow Fights (M)


Cooing over a new pup my new friend, Linnet(sometimes known as Lin in this diary/book/text) sold to our family, I thought about the visit from Kimber that I had last week. "Cherry! Have you got a name yet?!" shouted my mum from downstairs. Linnet giggled, stroking the puppy. I grinned back and then suddenly whispered "Einstein moment. She looks so like Doodles, what about calling her Crayon?". Lin nodded encouragingly and I shouted back "Yeah mum! Crayon! Call the pup Crayon!". We had sausages and mashed potato for dinner and Lin stayed for a sleepover-that was after she phoned her mum of course! I texted my other best friend Belle to see if she could come as well. This was our awesome three-way text: Me : Belle! U there? Can u come 2 mine 4 a sleepover? Linnet: Please come! I'm going as well, I'm at Cherry's 2! Belle : Wait, I'll check with my mum... YES! Me : Woohoo! Linnet: YAY! THE END. Anyway, Belle came at around 7 "Because of the traffic" she said. We took turns in the bathroom and when it was my turn, I used my Vanilla shampoo and Strawberry & Milk body wash so I smelled extra good in case I still smell of the grease from the horrible fatty food restaurant. I run into my room after having brushed my teeth with Colgate and Belle and Linnet are already, rather suspiciously, in bed with fat lumps around their slim bodies. I switch off the light and snuggle to find no pillow was sitting on my peach pink bedcover. There was silence when suddenly, "PILLOWFIGHT!"! I yelped and Doodles, Crayon and Apple-Pie came bouncing up the stairs, barking madly. About a dozen pillows bounced on my head and I laughed, hitting the pillows. Both of them are asleep now and I learnt that my mum was part of this pillow ambush plan. I plan to do something as revenge against them... HaHaHa! I replaced my pink angry bird pyjamas for a fake knotted short-sleeve top that was a beautiful cornsilk colour. I matched it with a layered, light-aero-blue skirt. Belle changed into a cream-coloured dress, pinched at the waist and Linnet wore a loose, Alice-blue, thin wool top and stonewashed jeans. We looked so pretty and looked like we were sisters with our sandy coloured hair that fell over our shoulders. The only thing was Linnet has sky-blue eyes, Belle has cornflower blue eyes and I have peacock blue eyes. I didn't have the heart to scare them to death by making Doodles, Crayon and Apple-Pie bark really loudly (trust me, it's scary), oops, I said my plan! I opened my Cook-Book-Bake-Make book and flipped it to the 'Brilliant Banana Boat' recipe. Linnet and Belle smiled and started taking out the ingredients I told them to get. I had a hunch that this morning's banana boat was going to gain a lot of attention at lunchtime dessert! "Yes! Dessert!" shouted Belle, eyes shining as I carried the banana boats to the table. "Mmmm..." Linnet mumbled, gazing at the dessert. I smiled and gave them each their helping. Within seconds, their dessert was finished and they were licking their lips. I gaped and then Belle stuffed a spoonful in my mouth. My eyes widened and, scoff. Mine was finished as well. Banana Boats and Pillow Fights.

Baking Bonanza!-Apple-Pie and Chocolate cookies (M)


Crunching cheese and onion flavoured Pom-bear crisps, I was sprawled out on the cool, leather, black sofa. My(notice I said MY not our/my family) cavalier, Apple-Pie, was curled up beside me, fast asleep while I stuffed myself since dinner had been a not-very-appetizing cauliflower cheese. My 5 year-old sister, Liz, cuddled our dachshund, Doodles. My favourite 'Cook-Book-Bake-Make' was sitting on my right lap, Apple-Pie was sleeping soundly on the other. "Chocolate chip cookies, I'll get on reading that after school." I said, closing my book and taking out my Doodle-Book where I had sometimes scruffily scribbled down a few ingredients and instructions. Arghhhhhhh!" I screamed, staring into a pie-brown eye. Mum hurried in, dad rushed in and Liz crawled in. Apple-Pie licked my face and everyone bustled out, seeing as I was alright. Quickly, I set Apple-Pie back onto the floor and dragged myself out of bed, throwing off my slippers. Pulling on my loose, wool, long-sleeved top and some jeans, I thought about my junior-high(secondary in England), West Spindal. Dragging a red brush through my tousled hair, I watched Apple-Pie wag his tail at me. I hurried downstairs to stuff a syrup-covered pancake into my aquafresh-brushed mouth. I washed it down with a glass of milk and waved my goodbyes. I hugged Apple-Pie, grabbed my red, strappy bag and ran out of the house. "You going to the park, Cherry?" asked my best friend, Kimber. I shook my head, "Planning on getting on with chocolate cookies t'night. 'Sides, wouldn't leave Apple-Pie with my pie-obsessed family, including me!" I joked. Kimber groaned and wandered off with her latest new 'best-friend', Jas. I sighed, tossing a glance at the two, who were giggling and pointing at me. "I'm home!" I called, flinging my bag onto the sofa. Burying my face in my cavalier's fur, I flopped down on the sofa as well. I NEEDED to make chocolate chip cookies! Flicking to my latest page in my Doodle-Book, I tried to remember all the ingredients. I prepared the ingredients from what I had noted down in my book and double-checked them in my Cook-Book-Bake-Make recipe. Soon, the whole house was smelling of chocolate chip cookies as the cookies cooled down on a rack. I groomed Apple-Pie and tickled her, making her bark happily. Doodles immediately jumped over, giving a loud bark as if demanding we let her join in right this minute. We were having so much fun. I grinned, the sad news at school forgotten, until... RING RING! RING RING! RING RI-"Hello?" I said, picking up the phone. "Hi, is this Cherry?" a nervous voice replied, shaking on my name. "Kimber? It's fine if your with Jas, you know? She's a nice girl, popular and clever..." I trailed off, sighing as I realised, I never really had a shot at being the most popular and pretty girl, Kimber's, best friend. "Yeah, about that, sorry. Can I come over? Please?" a quivering voice pleaded from the other side of the phone. Apple-Pie gazed up at me with her pastry-brown eyes and Doodles stared at me with playful, crayon-blue eyes. "I guess. Bye." I answered, putting down the phone. DING DONG! The doorbell rang. It must be Kimber but I didn't do the whole: *Re-check/do make-up *Smooth skirt/blouse/dress *Smooth hair. I opened the door and welcomed her with a "Hiya, how are you?". Moving over, so she could come in, I smiled my usual smile, not the one I made up to impress Kimber. She sat down on the sofa and smiled sadly up at me. "Sorry." she said, crossing her slim legs. "Look, let's just forget it, OK? I was never meant to be your best friend. It just didn't work, alright? Cookie?" I asked her, offering the ones I just made. Apple-Pie and Doodles must have sensed betrayal on Kimber so they stayed with me. "Yeah, ok." Kimber agreed and we made up with a cookie. Apple-Pie and Chocolate Cookies.

Rainbow Beauty-Sorry... (M)


"Abbie! Liam's come to take us to relax at the beach!" shouted my oldest sister, Saff(Sapphire). Liam was a neighbour who was gay, but at first, my other sister, Grace, didn't know; she was supposed to be the clever one! I packed my marble-like pattern(peach and white) cozzie(swimming costume) and my Marble magazine. I am SO obsessed with marbles and their swirly, unique patterns! "I'm thinking fresh-made doughnuts..." muttered Grace, scooping up some sand as we walked towards a café, Cool-Cat Café. "I'm thinking fish and chips..." mumbled Saff, applying a layer of Berry-Nice lip gloss while digging her wedges into the hot sand. "I'm thinking seaweed wraps..." I thought out loud, eyeing the green seaweed. "What?!" spluttered Saff and Grace choked on her bottle of orange-juice. "No! Not to eat! Maybe we could introduce seaweed wraps for the face masks in Rainbow Beauty!" I exclaimed, laughing hysterically at my sisters' faces. So Liam and mum took us to the café and had fish and chips and doughnuts with Pepsi. After lunch, Saff took off her cardigan and wedges, slathered herself with sun cream, then found herself a blue and white stripy deckchair to read her magazine on. I stripped down to my marble-like cozzie and Grace came swimming with me. This was a delightful time and I grabbed some seaweed and threw it to mum and Liam for the wraps. Dunking my head in the water, I blew bubbles when I accidentally sighed of happiness. The cold water really cleared my thoughts when I realised Grace wasn't with me anymore. She and Saff had started a delicate, girly fight so I tiptoed over, ignoring the sticky sand on my newly pedicured feet. "I DO worry about my GCSEs, problem?" Saff shouted, wrenching off her dark shades. "You never even prepared or studied for them, you never made an effort!" spat Grace, clutching her mobile phone in her hand. "Well, you don't really know whether I have studied 'cos your never awake at midnight!" hissed Saff, sitting up on her deck chair and digging her toes into the sand for comfort. "Please don't! Liam took us here for an R&R, save it for later!" I begged, blanking mum and Liam's urgent shouts to leave Grace and Saff to it. "Brat!" screamed Grace, throwing her mobile into the sand and running to catch a bus as she tugged on her jeans and top despite being slightly wet. Tears slid down Saff's peachy skin. Picking up Grace's phone, I noticed she was still on an email from our secondary school, West Spindal Secondary. I quickly scanned the whole email and felt a pang of guilt for not asking why Grace was upset. It was her GCSEs, she failed, despite being the cleverest girl I knew. She would have to resit the test when her mates, Aran and Maisy also did the extra maths but managed their GCSEs. "Liam? Mum? We need to go home and talk to Grace. Please! Hurry!" I exclaimed, tucking Grace's phone into my patterned handbag. Sobbing could be heard inside Grace&Saff's shared room, I took out her mobile and pushed it through the gap between the door and the sand coloured carpet. I had typed in a note on her phone, on Notes and left it open so she should see it. Liam, mum, me and Saff all wrote something from our point of view after I shared the email. Mum decided we ought to have a nice cottage-y meal to show that, no matter how small the family/house,/food or whatever, we can still be happy/cosy/filled-up-with-simple-but-nice-food. A jug of creamy milk and freshwater fish was sitting on the table, new and fresh. There was also a lump of deep yellow butter to go with the small, bumpy potatoes. Grace stumbled over and plonked herself on a wooden chair. Me and Saff all found a tiny stool to sit on and waited for mum. "Don't worry dears! I'm coming!" she called from the kitchen. We waited in an awkward silence, staring at the food and pretending to be so starving that we couldn't take our eyes off the food. Of course, we were truly delighted when mum brought out a large and gloriously sticky marmalade roll, steaming hot from the oven. After supper, Grace flushed a deep candyfloss pink and said clearly-ish "Thanks for your support, I guess you guys were all right, it is probably something to do with the problems this term. I just want to say: Sorry Saff for not being supportive about your GCSEs. Don't study at midnight though! Sorry Abs for ruining your R&R when you really deserved it after being the one who thought of everything to make our beauty company, Rainbow Beauty, perfect and for calling you brat at the beach today. Sorry mum for making you worry about me and then burst out all angry without telling you the reasons. Liam, even though your not here, sorry for not being grateful for the way you helped us manage with all the problems when we first moved in and even now. Sorry everyone!". I guess that was an apology then! At night, I heard her creep to my bed and whisper "Sorry.".

Diary-Ballet Show (M)


Dear Diary, Hi and remember last time I told you about my very first ballet show? Well, Miss Alice-my ballet teacher-has some news! Firstly, we are NOT going to be dancing on grass, we're going to be dancing on a bandstand. The bandstand is a circle so Miss Alice decided to use this stick with roses and leaves-so it looks like it's decoration not a front showing thing-to show where the front is. Obviously though, as she clearly pointed out, we wouldn't be facing away from our parents so the stick is mainly for the little kids. Last practice, my partner Hamish had kind of sharp nails because it dug into my waist when he had to 'help' lift me up during a jump. Nell wasn't here so Olli had to manage on his own. Phoebe and Sebastian were here so only one pair was incomplete. Last practice, Miss(she's married but we still call her Miss not Ms or Mrs) Jennifer was here with the costumes. Well, she brought like a back up costume in case the actual tutu one didn't work. Then, she showed us these mini tutus and we all laughed hysterically. That was when she spilled the beans(the second news in case you're thinking she spilt baked beans on the floor)... The second news was, SHE WANTED ME TO BE IN THE GRADE 3 BALLET CLASS DANCE BECAUSE THIS GIRL MIGHT DROP OUT ON THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! I mean, we have like, 2 lessons left and 1 dress rehearsal! Yes, Miss Jennifer said I could pick things up quickly but, NOT A WHOLE DANCE WITH A WHOLE DIFFERENT CLASS IN 3 PRACTICES!!!! Gosh, I'm so annoyed. I was like 'Thanks for letting me know so soon Miss Jennifer (NOT!) in my head and I still am! ...I'm completely humiliated! Miss Jennifer made me try on a mini tutu and I told her, "Uh, I don't think it's going to fit." I mean, really, I said that. Then, she said, "Oh it will, trust me." and annoyingly, IT DID! I mean it looked like a 3 year old could wear it, not GRADE 3(and now a broken record of Grade 4, 10 year old)! Urgh! What am I going to do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Fortune Teller-The Ball of Dreams (M)


My mum is a fortune teller. Don't get me wrong, she has the ball and stuff but she hasn't got that weird hat thing! My dad is a mathematician and feeds me all the information he figures out. So you see, I'm the odd number (sorry but it's hard not to catch the math phrase flu if my dad says one at least thrice a day!) out of all the even numbers. My 17 year-old twin sisters, Roxy and Riley argue ALL the time as Riley is sensible, smart but sizzles on your tongue if you annoy her; Roxy is popular, pretty (SLIGHTY more gothic and prettier than Riley) and a downright C (A+ though for her designing work). The one thing they have in common is, THEY HAVE NEVER CRIED IN THEIR LIFE! I'm the only sensible one, even my dad believes in fate though his supposed to be logical and sensible like me! My mum says she can see that they're both going to cry over a big, fat LIE... Stroking my kitten, Fortune, I munch on the chocolate truffle that my best friend Cherry gave me. Her step-family (her dad wasn't a step family) were a company called 'The Chocolate Box' and they made delicious chocolates with beautiful boxes. They live just down the road with us, in the glorious countryside. We were having a picnic when I saw a beautiful fortune cookie coloured kitten all alone with a chocolate coloured adult cat beside it. They looked so lost and alone that I begged my mum to let ME have Fortune the kitten so now she's MINE! The Tanberry family-Cherry's step family- took the beautiful brown cat and named her Chocolate Truffle. That night, Fortune didn't want to sleep with me because I didn't want to turn on the fairy lights. I wasn't scared! Well, maybe a bi, OK, a lot. So-as you can guess-I turned on the fairy lights straight away but it was too late because she had made herself comfy somewhere NOT in my bedroom. I drifted off uneasily, occasionally hearing snaps of conversations from my mum and totally scared lady who thought bad men were following her. Then I dreamt of a delicious, mouth-watering feast filled with tuna, salmon, all kinds of fish and milk. I tossed and turned but I couldn't help try not to wake up from this scrumptious feast. "Fortune!"... Beads of sweat trickled down from my eyebrows. I woke to see Fortune curled up by my feet and then, I took a drink of water. Re-looking at Fortune, I noticed that her back was sticking up as if something was underneath her but I ignored her and let her sleep. Pulling on the black, off-shoulder top that Roxy made me and reading the words sewn on by sequins saying 'I'm no geeky freak, I'm spicy and sugar sweet', I re-thought my decision. Replaced by my white, fake-knotted t-shirt, the black top lost it's shine. I put on some plain blue jeans when- "Where's my 'Ball of Dreams'?!" shrieked my mother's anxious voice. Everyone hurried downstairs. "So, what does this ball do?" asked Roxy tauntingly "Do all the work for you?". "Give it back you horrible girl!" screamed my mother, slamming her palms on the wooden table. Riley led Roxy out of the room but Roxy wouldn't budge and mum wouldn't let Roxy leave this room until she gave back the ball. I thought about yesterday's dream, that sounds like the sort of thing it might do. "Seriously though mum, does it show you the person's dreams?". My mum nodded, looking like a deflated balloon. I rushed upstairs and picked Fortune up to see an odd looking ball. "Is this it? Fortune had a weird ball under his tummy!" I called, struggling to keep Fortune up. The whole family rushed up and my mum hugged the ball tightly. "So YOU took mum's precious ball?" sneered Roxy, just plainly upset mum accused her but soon, it was all explained. You know, even though everyone agrees that the dream I dreamt was most definitely a catty dream(namely the kitten who had the ball whilst I was sleeping) but I still don't believe in such things...

Diary-My first ballet show(M)


Dear Diary, Sorry I haven't really had loads of time to write to you without properly good story ideas springing to mind just as I'm about to write the title. Anyway, my ballet teacher, Miss Alice, choreographed our routine for my first ballet show! YES! BTW, the show is actually going to be performed a the Holy Trinity School's Summer Fair, which will be in their park (yes, you've guessed it, we're most likely going to be dancing my first show on the grass! Mr Sun, you'd better not let me down!). In the routine, we're going to be doing a lot of paired dancing, meaning girl-boy partnering and the boys are going to be: Hamish(11), Oliver(Olli, 11) and Sebastian (12). The girls who will be performing are Melody (me, 10), Nell (age-anonymous) and Phoebe (age-anon). I don't know Nell and Phoebe's age because they're in Grade 5 in ballet and me, Hamish (he does both grades because Miss Alice is still deciding whether he should be Grade 5 or 4), Olli and Sebastian are Grade 4 dancers. Still, we're doing the same routine and I'm NOT going to be left out just because I'm one grade lower than Nell and Phoebe. Before I go on, I'm just going to tell you the pairs(they were sorted out using height order, bleurrgh!)which are... ** Me and Hamish * Nell and Olli and *Phoebe and Sebastian (what I just said was starting from the top are the smaller ones and Phoebe and Sebastian are the tallest ones). At the end of the routine, the boys have to end with tours(not the type where there are tourists and guides but the ballet type where you jump-spin) and so far, they're disastrous! HA HA! The final pose for the boys is kneeling on the floor and Miss Alice said MAYBE, get this, MAYBE she'll get us girls to SIT ON THE BOYS' KNEES! O' Miss Alice, O' Miss Alice, Please change your mind! O' Miss Alice, O' Miss Alice, Do be so kind!... Anyway, we also have to hold the boys' hand and at one point, they have to help us jump by lift-gripping our waists. Hamish always helps me up a millisecond before I actually jump and keeps on pulling and tugging at me though he probably doesn't know it! Grrr! I still find it hard to believe my first ballet show is 98% possible to be performed on the grass when the weather is still so unpredictable! what if it rains on us? Even me and Hamish (the best dancers!) will 99.999999%etc.(you get the point) going to slip on the wet grass, 2% possible to be slippery mats! Well, hopefully I'll get the time to report back after the show, so... See ya! ;-) Melody, *the brilliant ballerina*, the passionate pianist, the captivating cellist and talented tap-dancer. ;-)

Chocolate Date-Pink starbursted toast(M)


After Electra/Cleopatra's mum/Mrs Romania found a job as a chef, her boss, who kindly insisted we call her Helen, quite often treated them as VIPs and regulars! Almost everyday, Cleopatra and her best friend Cassia Lysa and her family also got vouchers and coupons. Now they often spent their dinner times or things at Chocolate Date. "Is that Jane Eyre?" Cassia asked, pounding over to Cleopatra in her denim jacket and leather boots. Cleopatra was too absorbed in her novel to notice and turned the crisp white page with her perfectly manicured hands. "Hellooooo?! Cleo?! Earth to Cleo!" Cassia shouted, sitting herself down on the large comfy sofa by the windows in Chocolate Date. Cleo/Cleopatra jumped, the warm hand-made chocolate-charm made by her father thudded on her chest. Smiling, Cass checked the cover of the velvet-y book. "It's the special velvet addition, Jane Eyre." Cleo half boasted, resisting the urge to burst out laughing at Cass's face when Cass stroked the cover, tracing also the silver letters. The two spent most of the evening buried in the book. "Bo-I mean, Helen. Should we do chocolate fondues with bread to dip as our special dessert today?" queried Electra, tugging at her white apron with fake splashes of chocolate at the corner. "Uh-huh. Let's make the price, say, £10.99?" Helen replied, not looking up from the orders online. Scribbling down all the things ordered and the dates to arrive, she passed them to Electra. "Take care of these orders. Don't forget to do the fondues!" Helen said, going to find Mrs Lysa/Jenna to make some cherry wine(Jenna was better at the drinks than Electra). "I'm gonna pop!" hissed Cassia as she sat up in the darkness of Cleo's room. "You know you shouldn't have ordered so much and besides, I won't let you be sick at my sleepover!" Cleo hissed back switching on her fairy lights. "Much be-" exclaimed Cassia before getting a cool hand clamping her mouth. Cleopatra sipped her water and sighed, wiping her hand on a tissue. Groaning, Cass clutched a cerise bowl that had cherries bordering it and thanked Cleo, who turned off the fairy lights the minute Cass got her (not really!) sick bucket. The next morning, the girls woke up very early in the morning to silence. They crept downstairs in their pyjamas and found a post-it note saying 'got to go. Make toast for yourself. Left pink starburst cocktail in fridge. Bye'. Cleo changed into a white sleeveless top, denim shorts and a baggy pink cardigan which you tie into a bow with the two sides. Cass put on a loose pink wool top with denim shorts. Then they made toast, drizzled some icing that tasted like starburst (but Electra thought was a failure) onto the toast and poured each other a glass of pink starburst cocktail. "Toast to Electra for helping Chocolate Date's business boom!" Cleo said holding up her glass and then gulping down some. "Cheers!" the girls chorused just as the sun rose high into the air...

Chocolate Date-Cleo and Cass (M)


Cleopatra stroked Saturn, eyes fixed on the movie, Pride and Predjuce. Obviously, being a fan of Jane Austen, Cleopatra had a whole set her books and the DVD if they had one. "Look! Mr Darcy's meeting Elizabeth!" shrieked Cassia, Cleopatra's best friend, while popping a chocolate-coated strawberry into her mouth. Cleopatra smiled dreamily reaching out to dip her strawberry in chocolate. Her mother was very good at making chocolate things, chocolate fondues, chocolate-dip, chocolate cakes, chocolates etc. Cassia was always jealous and often nipped over to share the chocolate. Today was Cleopatra's birthday and she had invited Cassia to a sleepover, including a little Jane Austen movie as well as chocolate. "Electra, you should open a restaurant!" commented Cassia, crunching chocolate covered coconuts. They had finished a mouth-watering dinner and were onto a heavenly chocolate-y dessert. Electra, Cleo's (Cleopatra's) mum, blushed the colour of her 'Pink Starburst Cocktail'. It was non-alcoholic and basically was as bad to kids as a Pepsi every so often. "Mum's been offered a place at 'Chocolate Date' which is a restaurant but the desserts are mainly chocolate! Mum's cooking style exactly! Guess what, she agreed!" burst out Cleo, jumping up from her seat. Cassia high-fived Cleo before they settled down to finish their dessert in front of paused Mr Darcy. It was the summer holidays and today was the day Mrs Romania's (Cleo's mum) first day to work! Cassia phoned her mum to tell the news to and was given permission to meet up at the restaurant. Cassia changed into the velvet top and black leggings that her mother bought her for her own birthday. Cleo changed into a silk baby-blue dress matched with delicate sapphire blue pumps. A perfect replica of a chocolate hung on a silver necklace, hung on Cleo's peachy neck. Cleo was definitely 'Queen of Fashion', Cassia coming right after. Electra wore a deep wine coloured dress, a pair of fine silky heels and the same necklace that Cleo had. It was a family thing since only Cleo's father could make such a fine replica of anything, especially a chocolate. "So, what's this about eh?" asked Mrs Lysa, Cassia's mum, sipping a pink starburst cocktail while admiring the restaurant. Cleo was in the library down the road, using the computer to print off coupons, leaflets and posters she designed. Cassia had texted Cleo to say that Electra likes the deign as well as the boss of Chocolate Date. Right now, Cleo probably had the coupons, posters and leaflets in her hand and was walking down the road towards them. Cassia turned and waved at Cleo. When Cleo finally arrived and handed the things to the boss, Cassia explained what was happening with Cleo chipping in on things. Mrs Lysa smiled down at the cocktail "The boss has found the right person and I can help."... It had already been a month and business was booming, no one knew of the secret ingredients to make the chocolate dessert or the meals delicious but all they knew was that all their regulars or VIPs asked for Electra to cook their meal and no one else. Cleo still spent loads of time with her mum, becoming an extra mini waitress which some VIPs and regulars both loved having come with their meals. Mr and Mrs Romania both had jobs but still spent time loving their families.

Ice Queen-Zac zapped me back into practice!(M)


Groaning, I rolled onto my sides, wincing at my painful leg. This couldn't get worse! I had been dumb enough to agree to try out the Triple Axel in my ice-skating class a couple of days ago and managed to break my leg. Humph! So much for the 'break a leg' cards I received when the word was out that me, Tania who is 'Young Champion Skater' was going to try my first Triple Axel! Luckily they don't care I broke a leg that I failed but just agreed that the Triple Axel trying; they don't care was hard. 'Hard' hardly describes it! Grrrr! Lying in bed reading 'Fabrique' magazines, I thought about the boy partner I was supposed to meet. Would he be good enough to keep up with me? Would I even get out of this horrid hospital in time to have enough practise? My mum called, "I'm bringing your 'Skating on Thin Ice' t-shirt with the tight jeans, your pair skater is coming.". I froze. "Thanks for telling me so soon, NOT, mum!" I shouted into my Verizon phone and found my 'Skating in Thin Ice' novel. Skimming the pages, I couldn't concentrate. Finally mum arrived, as quickly as possible, I changed. Now just who would be able to keep up with me?... "Hey." a warm voice said, tapping my shoulder. A boy with sandy-coloured hair grinned at me. Raising my eyebrows, I looked him up and down. He didn't look like a serious type! "Tania Dunn. Your name?" I asked, putting down my book. "Zac's the name. Zac Maguire. Hi Tania, you're pretty brave to try the Triple Axel." he nattered on, cheeky green eyes sparkling at me every so often. My ice-blue eyes could kill him on the spot but, what type of partner would I get then? A nurse called Honey handed me two cans of coke. Puzzled, I stared at her, waiting for to give the answer away. Her honey-sweet eyes flickered over to Zac and smiled at me. I blew a strand of hair out of my eyes and handed the coke to Zac. "Thanks Tan!" he exclaimed, I choked, did he just call me Tan? I mean, how long have we known each other? (The answer is five minutes!) With Zac to help me pass the time, I was soon out of this horrible hospital. When I first stepped on the ice-rink, my leg gave way and I slipped but Zac-he just has to act all super-hero-y didn't he- caught me by the arm. His grin could have melted anyone's heart but not mine. I would have him dead if he didn't skate well! The practise went well, my leg grew used to the feeling of skating again and we went through a routine together. He was quite strong, able to keep me up during tabletop lifts. Phew! I didn't fancy drinking coke with the company of Honey again! It was the show day and I received loads of 'Break a Leg' cards but, no matter what colour, the senders used markers to write 'Don't' in front of 'Break' and 'Again' after 'Leg'. Sweet! The show went fine, the slips were turned into on-purpose new moves that me and Zac invented on the spot. It went better than we planned and people threw roses! Hmm, maybe Zac wasn't so bad after all...