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愛上John Irving

這幾天把John Irving長達八百多頁的"心塵往事"看完
好喜歡John Irving的寫作風格


目前John Irving已在台發行的小說

The fourth hand 第四隻手

The hotel New Hampshire 新罕布夏旅館

The word according to Garp 蓋普眼中的世界

A prayer for Owen Meany 一路上有你

A window for one year 寡居的一年

A cinder house rules 心塵往事



Setting Free the Bears (1968)
The Water-Method Man (1972)
The 158-Pound Marriage (1974)
The World According to Garp (1978)
The Hotel New Hampshire (1981)
The Cider House Rules (1985)
A Prayer for Owen Meany (1989)
Trying to Save Piggy Sneed (collection, 1993)
A Son of the Circus (1994)
A Widow for One Year (1998)
My Movie Business (non-fiction, 2000)
The Fourth Hand (2001)
The Imaginary Girlfriend (non-fiction, 2002)
A Sound Like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound (2004)
Until I Find You (2005)