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We wait


We wait 我們等候

We wait 我們等候
We're not in a hurry 我們不著急
O we need You Lord 喔主,我們需要您

We wait 我們等候
All our cares and worries 我們擔心的事情
We lay aside for You 全部交託給您
O how we long to see Your face 我們多麼渴望見您的面
O how we long for Your embrace 我們多麼渴望您的擁抱

We wait 我們等候
We're not afraid to tarry 我們不擔心遲延
We yearn for You Lord 我們思念主

We wait 我們等候
For You mighty wind to carry us 您大能的風帶我們到
Into Your presence Lord 主的面前
And as we fill this house with praise 當我們以讚美充滿您的殿
May Your holy fire fill this place 願您聖靈的火充滿這地

As we wait… 當我們等候
And as we fill this house with praise 當我們以讚美充滿您的殿
May Your holy fire fill this place 願您聖靈的火充滿這地

We wait… 我們等候