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A Tale of Teacher Inspiration

Mandy 分享

A Tale of Teacher Inspiration (May 23 2007)

與各位分享一個感人的故事,想知道一位老師可以如何影響及改變一個 學生的生命,請登入以下網站。學障的孩子,極需要像 Miss Thompson 的老師!

Go to Pamela Elliott's incredible story about the extreme impact a teacher can have on an individual's life
http://www.lessonplanspage.com /inspiration/IImpactIndividualL ife.htm

Go to the movie -“Make a Difference”:How Miss Thompson had made a difference in Teddy's life?
http://www.makeadifferencemovie .com/
We desperately need a lot of Miss Thompsons who can make a difference in the life of children with dyslexia!