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Bird York / In The Deep

Bird York / In The Deep
衝擊效應的神秘女聲 。
電影"衝擊效應"有一個很棒的劇本,以及一個會說故事玩弄橋段的導演(由Paul Haggis自編、自導)。配上恰到好處的音樂,以及Bird York的歌聲,把觀眾在最重要的時刻連結在一起,掉入了導演的陷阱之中。話說回來,既然是一部電影,而且還是商業片,總沒有理由讓觀眾帶著悲傷沉重的心情走出電影院,所以,還是要放一個救贖的角色,就是那個如同天使的小女孩

在劇情出現爆破的地方,導演藉由Bird York的歌聲把每個劇中人連結在一起,這首歌是In the deep,技巧性的將每個人的掙扎與矛盾帶出來,我覺的也有一點救贖的味道。

Thought you had all the answers
to rest your heart upon
but something happens
don't see it coming, now
you can't stop yourself
now you're out there swimming
in the deep

Life keeps tumbling you heart in circles
till you let go
till you shed your pride and you climb to heaven
and you throw yourself off
now you're out there spinning in the deep