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Hi Scott,
Glad to hear from you as usual.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the quote from 2150.I really appreciate it. Nowaday,more people seem don't read anyone else's views,but they are so sure that they have all the information. And then it leads to horrid grand generalizations.

I was reading this book recently:Keepers Of The Garden--- "To maintain an open mind is extremely difficult but it is the only way to search for ultimate knowledge."

This book has an instant impact on me...Please see the attachment and enjoy!

Have a nice weekend,

----- Original Message -----
From: scott mandelker
To: Grace Lin
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 2:03 PM
Subject:Wish you to be well

Hi Grace,

I'm really glad to hear my words help you find peace of mind... here's something I read tonight from the book "2150" about future earth society and deep spiritual principles:

"the measure of a mind's evolution is its acceptance of the unacceptable"

Meaning, our level of development fits our degree of accepting what's so hard to accept... and lots of 'hard to accept' experiences in this world...

This is my training too, for sure!

Please be well,
