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喜愛的Imogen Heap

Imogen Heap - Speeding Cars

Here's the day you hoped would never come
Don't feed me violence
just run with me through rows of speeding cars.
The papercuts the cheating lovers
The coffee's never strong enough
i know you think it's more than just bad luck

There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't lose your head
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah

Sleeping pills know sleeping dogs lie
never far enough away
Glistening in the cold sweat of guilt
I've watched you slowly winding down for years
You can't keep on like this...
now's a bad a time as any

There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't kill yourself
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah

it's ok by me..

it's ok by me..

it's ok by me..it was a long time ago

it's ok by me..

it's ok by me..

it's ok by me..it was a long time ago

There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't lose your head
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah

There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't kill yourself
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah
許多樂迷說,Imogen Heap是超級美聲,但她和一般所認定的美聲,比如Enya或CelineDion這類,是有差異的。她有個人獨特的氣音唱法,與實聲交互層疊,產生出頗具立體感的魅力。《Speak For Yourself》是她27歲的錄音作品,但聽不出年紀的影響,在downtempo的曲風渲染下,仍如天使般的吟唱,教人入迷。

「Have You Got It in You」呈現「Lilith Fair」般的女性精神,如同以Tori Amos的情感詩置於electro-pop之內。
「Loose Ends」是我非常偏愛的簡約電子風,讓歌曲宛然有極輕脆的透明線條,但不失溫厚;我經常早上起床放這首歌,似乎聽了就可背書包出門。
「Clear The Area」有種加電的非洲音效,與詞意相貼。
「Daylight Robbery」多了些搖滾味,也表現了她唱腔的多樣性,而非僅靠輕媚取勝。
「I Am in Love with You」節奏的律動,令我興奮。
「Hide and Seek」像是無伴奏的唱腔演繹,以octave-splitter效果器讓唱腔編輯交織,製造無限的美感,舒緩行進間,可以觸摸到聲的光澤。突出地表達了她對聲音藝術的見地,真是優異的「聲音體操」大師。

感覺上是electronics打造出的流行曲風,但我想,我愛的是她唱腔的空靈氣息,與曲式進行的創意,以及給我飄揚與旅行的想像,整體音樂氣質甚好,不令我感到有過濃的流行味,又讓人嗅出市場的高接收度。由此也聽出Imogen Heap創作、演唱、編曲與錄製的才情,最難得是電音與抒情的融合,讓人感動又充分發揮音樂的實力,新潮又能流行是難得的功力。Heap風格辨識度超高,她可能不是偉大級的,但會深受大眾喜愛。

Imogen Heap簡介
18歲:與獨立廠牌Almo Sounds簽第一張唱片合約
19歲:生涯首度公演,在1996年海德公園的「Prince's Trust Concert」,演出四首歌。
1998年:首張專輯《i Megaphone》出版
2002年:與製作人Guy Sigsworth合作,以「Frou Frou」為名,出版《Details》
2005年:《Speak for Yourself》出版