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最近妞妞常在家裡怪腔怪調的唱著歌, 問她唱啥,她說"桑歐麵"?! 原來...... 是今年畢業典禮B組要表演的兩個節目之一-- Son Of Man! 下星期五就是畢業典禮了, 小朋友們最近練舞練得很勤, 妞妞回家後也常常又唱又跳的, 只是唱得很像外勞在講話@@ 昨晚她想到叫把鼻幫她找歌, 把鼻搜尋了一下, 原來還是Phil Collins唱得呢! 真是失敬失敬~ 只是.... 把鼻說(妞妞唱的)怎麼差這麼多.... 真是沒禮貌! 既然找到歌了, 妞妞當然又要大跳特跳一番, 來段歌舞秀吧~ 今天也在YouTube上找到影片了, 原來這首歌是動畫"泰山"的主題曲, 越聽越好聽喔~ SON OF MAN Vocal: Phil Collins & Glenn Close Music and Lyrics by Phil Collins Oh, the power to be strong and the wisdom to be wise all these things will come to you in time On this journey that you're making There'll be answers that you'll seek And it's you who'll climb the mountain It's you who'll reach the peak Son of Man look to the sky Lift your spirit, set it free Some day you'll walk with pride Son of Man, a man in time you'll be Through there's no one there to guide you No one to take your hand But with faith and understanding You will journey from boy to man Son of Man look to the sky Lift your spirit, set it free Some day you'll walk with pride Son of Man, a man in time you'll be In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn You'll find your place beside the ones you love Oh, and all the things you dreamed of The visions that you saw Well, the time is drawing near now It's yours to claim it all Son of Man look to the sky Lift your spirit, set it free Some day you'll walk with pride Son of Man, a man in time you'll be Son of Man Son of Man's a man for all to see.



妞妞念了好幾個月的生日終於到了! 交辦了媽咪一堆事, 要買糖果請同學吃, 還要請同學吃蛋糕, 要媽咪畫卡片送給她, 要....要..... 她活脫脫就是媽咪的老闆, 是!是!是!小的一定一一幫您辦好! 昨天先問了老師小朋友的作息時間, 下午把鼻媽咪特地跑一趟學校, 當快遞送蛋糕, 也順便請老師幫忙拍照, 哈~有老師幫忙真好:P 把鼻還答應妞妞晚上要帶她去游泳, 所以今天特地四點多就去接她放學, 妞妞蹦蹦跳跳得從教室"彈"出來, 開心的說她的書包都滿了, 因為大家都送她禮物, 她超開心! 離開前, 大吳老師拿了早上裝糖果的袋子還我們, 媽咪問妞妞有發糖果給同學嗎? 妞妞只顧著秀她的禮物, 一直說她不知道! 把鼻說,早上因為快遲到了, (天天都遲到) 所以他也沒跟老師說, 只交代妞妞要告訴老師..... 晚上才聽妞妞說, 是她要放學的時候, 老師才把糖果拿去!! 厚~ 我家的小壽星也是烏龍院來的@@ 看樣子她比較適合替老師傳話, 不適合替把鼻媽咪傳話(昏倒) 回家後看了妞妞的禮物, 除了老師們送的禮物, 好朋友送的禮物, 最可愛的是, A組的同學們還像交作業般, 每個人都畫了一張畫送妞妞, 也都用注音符號寫了祝妞妞生日快樂, 哈~不好意思,讓大家費心了^^ 明天一定叫妞妞千萬記得把糖果發出去@@ 謝謝大家的祝福~ 妞妞也愛大家喔~