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3 Cards Reading

Neediness from the Relationship Suit
Dependence, as compensation for unmourned loss, with inability to receive.

Neediness is depending on someone else to save you. You see them as someone who will fulfill your needs, and therefore make you happy. Dependence is a core role we take on as compensation for a loss we have not recovered from. The more dependent we are, the more likely we are to use manipulation, particularly emotional blackmail, by feeling hurt, sad or carrying a long face to get someone to take care of us or to love us. Neediness often makes us use emotions as weapons. It’s a path which cannot be successful, because the more dependent we are, the more of a burden we are to others, and the more unattractive we become. Dependency is self-centered. We see others in terms of how they can fill our needs. Dependency attempts to take or get, but cannot receive. You may feel really good momentarily when your needs are met, but shattered when they are not. So, whether or not someone is fulfilling your needs becomes your test of their love for you. Yet, the truth is we can be loved by someone who may not necessarily fulfill our needs.

If you receive this card today, you are being asked to take responsibility for your feelings and for your life. Know that when you are in this dependent position, you are setting yourself up for heartbreak. At some level, you are trying to capture another individual, which you cannot do if you truly love them. If you are experiencing painful feelings, feel them through until they transform into positive ones, even exaggerating them to accelerate the process. For those who are willing to transform this situation, be aware that a key sign that you are acting in a dependent manner is when people seem to move away from you. You can move through this quickly by letting go of these needs using forgiveness, or the Leadership Principle: “If I’m suffering, there is someone else in even greater need of help. Who is that?” When the answer comes, step through your pain to support them. One whole layer of their pain – and your pain – will drop away, and you will once again be in the flow. Love takes no prisoners. It does not seek to enslave in order to give you a safe source to fulfill your needs. Love gives freedom.

Truth from the Healing Suit
Principle leading to freedom, ease, commitment, connection and joy.

Truth leads us forward, showing the way. Truth clears and clarifies. It heals denial and other forms of dishonesty. It allows partnership and opens you to receive. It frees you from the deadness and hypocrisy of roles and duties, and from doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Truth can set things straight, allowing proper relationships and perspectives to form. It constantly separates the chaff from the wheat. While truth can sometimes be uncomfortable as it cuts through illusion, what we cut through now saves us greater pain and disillusionment later. The truth frees and connects us, bringing light and freedom. In this sense, ultimately, anything which is not joyful is not the truth. Truth can thus be used to cut through areas of deadness, pain and misery. Whenever something is less than joyful, ask for the truth. Choose the truth. Love the truth. It will set you free and show you’re the way home.

If you receive this card, you can use these statements t change painful situations: