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Final Academic Report of Neil

Class Participation:
Neil participates weel in class activities and is always willing to answer questions and to volunteer to do things. His concentration and listening have definitely improved and I think he is trying to sing the songs and say the rhymes more than before.

Social/Emotional Development:
Neil continues to get on well with his classmates and play happily with them. He is a friendly boy who is always willing to share his toysfrom home with his classmates. Besides those two weeks when Neil's behaviour was a bit strange and different from normal, his social and emotional development are good. I think he is back to his normal self now and I do hope that we won't have a repeat of him being unhappy or unwilling to do things.

Cognitive Development:
I am really pleased with Neil's learning. I think he has really improved and this is especially apparent in his phonics. Besides phonics, he continues to do well in all other areas, including his gross and fine motor skills, such as pencil control and using scissors.

English/Language Arts:
Neil has noticeably improved over weeks 13-24. I can see a lot of progress in his phonics especially. I actually think he is the best in the class at phonics. He always knows the answers to phonics questions and is usually amongst the first to match sounds to letters and combine two letters and sounds. He can always be relied upon to help his friends out if they don't know. He tries to speak as much English as possible at school, which is really good and I think he likes to speak English. He likes to tell us things in Social Studies, such as what he did on the weekend, where he went, what he bought. He is also much better at saying the rhymes and songs and participation with the rest of the class and doing the actions. He has also done an excellent job with the storybooks we read - he knew a lot of answers to questions and remembered a lot. I also thkni Neil has become more confident when speaking English because he likes to answer questions during morning exercise, in front of the whole school, and this definitely takes courage and confidence.

Physical Development:
Everything is on track with Neil's physical development and when we last checked his height and weight, he had grown a bit since the start of the semester.

What parents can do to help:
As always, keep encouraging Neil to speak English. Practice conting with him as he seemed to be quite confused about a lot of the numbers. His writing and pencil control have improved but if possible help him with correct pencil grip at hom, even if he is just drawing pictures or coloring. Lastly please tell Neil what a great job he is doing at school. Well done Neil!